
What's an easy way to learn to surf?

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I am 4 foot 9




  1. The shortest answer would be that there is no easy way to learn to surf.  It is a sport where you have to put your time into and take your lumps.  Taking lessons will help though.  That way you can at least be taught some proper technique and probably more importantly etiquette.

    A big board is a good place to start, although since you are pretty short any board over 7 foot that is a fun or long board shape should work.

    The biggest thing is to not get frustrated and just keep at it.  Eventually it will click and're hooked for life.

  2. Start on little broken waves then once youve masted how to 'pop up' move onto turning on unbroken waves.after that start doing the same only on unbroken waves then go for bigger and bigger waves.or go with a friend who surfs they should help.

  3. well start out on small waves with a bogie board and learn some stuff and learn to ride the waves and after that have a small surfboard and pratice stading up or just do it like a bogie board youll catch on

  4. don't do a boogie board a 7ft6 or a 8ft  long board fat and wide the more glass less paddleing easyer to catch waves yes on the inside lay in front of the wight water and belly ride to get the feel careful crowded on the inside keep your eyes always open then try paddleing for one a little earlyer and practice pop-ups at home so your ready when the time comes TO STAND WHOO HOO YOUR SURFING please try to stay out of the way lol have fun and good luck   move or die surfboards

  5. If you want an easy way to surf, I would say take a lesson.  They'll set you up on a foam board, give you lessons on the beach and teach you the basics of paddling and popping up as well as some common sense/surf etiquette.  Then they'll push you into some small beginner waves.  It's the easiest way to catch a wave and stand up.  

    After a lesson, go ahead and rent a soft top long board.  Because of your size, I wouldn't recommend anything over 8'6" maybe 9' at the most.  Otherwise it's just took big and hard to maneuver and turn.  

    Many people might say to catch the white wash after the wave breaks, but I think it's best to just go for it and learn on the face of the wave.  Practice paddling for and catching little waves before they break.  Then, as they're breaking stand up on your feet.  You'll be able to "go down the line" and follow the wave and stay in front of the white wash.  That's where you will ideally want to be.  You'll get a nice smooth ride and eventually be able to do some tricks.  :)

    Also, it's best to learn with a friend.  Someone to watch your back, help tell you when to paddle, laugh with you when you fall.  It's more fun with a friend or two.  

    Remember to only go out in waves that meet your ability.  If the waves are too big, go somewhere else.  Just because the waves are big at one beach, doesn't mean they'll be big at another.  It depends on what the ocean bottom is like, and what direction the beach is facing.  

    Oh, and it also helps to have good upper body strength.  So, do a few push ups every night before bed.  It will really help strengthen your shoulders and back, and that will make paddling a lot easier.  Paddling out to the line up and paddling to catch the wave.  

    The last thing to remember, have fun and be courteous to other surfers and swimmers out there.  :)

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