
What's an effective anti-bullying slogan?

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For school I am making a 2 minute film about bullying. It's a short story about a girl who gets bullied at school to the point where she turns to self harm. At the end when it shows her crying, I want a meaningful bulling slogan to flash across the screen. It doesn't have to rhyme or be catchy but it needs to really get the audience thinking.

eg. 'What does bullying really do?'




  1. So, you think bullying is just fun and games, just messing around?

    Think again. Nobody is laughing now. Bullying is cruel, not cool.

  2. What goes around comes around.


    Revenge is like wine, the longer your leave it the better it tastes.


    Your name is Notso and I am beautiful

  3. dont be a d**k to girls

  4. I love your idea, and hope it will be a success.  We need more of these videos.  I am suggesting the following slogans:  

    1.  Bullies are not friends.

        They try to destroy you in the end.  

    2.  Who wants a bully for a friend?  

    3.  Bullies tear down.

         Friends build up.  

    4.  Bullies are cowards inside.  

    5.  There's another bully bigger than the bully that is

         bothering you.  

    6.  A good society has not place for a good bully.  

    7.  Life without bullies can be sweet!

    8.  Bullies target those unlike them.  

    9.  The only way to defeat a bully is by reporting him to the proper


    10. A bully-free environment creates a better atmosphere.  

    11.  Bullies aren't crazy-- they're insane!  

    12.  A bully won't stop until he is stopped.  

    13.  Bullies are like monsters--- they prey on others.  

    14.  Don't walk away from a bully--- run!  

    15.  If bullies had their way, civilization would ruined.  

    16.  Life with a bully around is painful.  

    17.  No one will miss a bully.  

    18.  Bullies don't get paid to be cruel.  They do it for free.  

    19.  A bully tries to put you down, because they are not up.  

    20.  A bully makes life a bitter pill to swallow.  

    I hope some of these slogans which I made up will help you.  Anyway,

    I'm so glad you are doing this project, and I hope it will blossom and grow into something big.  So many kids don't even attend school because they know they will be bullied and nothing done about it.  

    God bless you --- Toni D.  

  5. "Bullying can end with blood..."

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