
What's an ideal small pet for my situation?

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Well, I want some kind of small pet. It's cage can't be too smelly, since it's going to be kept indoors. Any type of bird is out, because of the noise factor. I'm also looking for a pet that likes to be handled and is not extremely expensive (the animal itself and all its supplies) . Any suggestions?




  1. maybe a hamster can be a good pet for you.

  2. Any tipe of anole sounds good for you. Anoles are small lizards that are very easy to take care of and relatively inixpensive. i have one and bought mine for $10 they also do smell if properly taken care of.  A turtle also might work for you.

  3. Rabbit? The can be really cheap. They do not like to be held, but they will love to lay next to you when your watching tv or something. If you shop around for a cage, you can get them cheap. Food is not that much at all! For $15 I buy a barel of horse hay, and it will last about 5 months with only one rabbit. You can also litter train!

    Kitten? They are cheap. And adorable! Everybody loves a little kitten!

  4. go for a gerbil they are little personalties in their own the more you handle them the more sociable they get.i love my little guy he is a blast when he gets going.

    they need very little maintenance just fresh water a full bowl of food and regular cleaning of their cages, but after that you will definitely be entertained by is advised to get two because they are social creatures but i have only the one guy and he seems happy enough,just make sure you don't get a breeding pair because they breed like crazy!!.

  5. lizard (don't lose it they run fast)

    hamster (they do smell)

    this ones good get one of those little green turtle they eat lettuce

  6. in all honesty there is NO perfect pet.. ones that like to be handled are apt to be smelly.. ones that are not smelly dont like to be handled - or cost too much

    here is a link that might help you pick the right pet

  7. A guinea pig cann work to, they're not really smelly and most of them liked to be held! (depends on their personality)

  8. Don't consider these pets:

    Hamster (hates to be handled)

    Fish (can't be handled, cruel)

    Rabbit (they smell)

    I could go on and on, so look at the list below instead :p

    Consider these:

    A hedgehog (Good things: loves being handled, don't smell, aren't loud, really cute/Bad things: Have to feed them live worms-eww, mine costed $250 just for him)

    4 mice (Good things: like to be handled but don't love it, don't smell if you clean them every 3 days, very cute, aren't loud, only cost 2-$6 each/ Bad things: ummmm... if you don't handle them almost every day they don't like to be held, that's pretty much it)

    That's all I can think of for your situation. If you have any Q's about hedgehogs, mice, dogs, or any other animal, feel free to email me at:

  9. I would get a nice and interesting fish, or maybe a hedgehog. Not many people have one, so that is cool too. GOOD LUCK!

  10. How about a bunny or guinea pig? Both of which are very sweet and gentle natured! And usually love to be held!

  11. Guinea pigs are sweet, cuddly and fun.  They don't need lots of space, but you'll need to clean to keep them stink free.

    Look here, it's all you ever wanted to know about GP's and an awsome idea for cages:

    Rats make amazing pets.  They're small, quiet, smart, clean and love people.

    Other ideas:

    Bearded dragons

    Chinese box turtles

    Russian Tortoises

    Greek Tortoises

    Leopard geckos

    Do lots of research.  All of them have different needs.  

  12. well, i just got two bunnys and they are adorable. they live in a cage taht is not too smelly and luv the attention. all they need is fruits and pellets and they are fine. we are also trying to potty train them by putting a tray in the cage. they are great.if u need more advice just contact this thing sumhow..idk

  13. try a hedgehog

    they dont smell

    you could possibly find one for 50$

    there cages are VERY cheap (they can even go into a 30gal aquarium)

    they like to be held and played with

    they dont need a LOAD of attention

    They make NO noise!

    Hedgehogs are cool, I have 6 of them! They also come in like 30 different colours  

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