
What's an inexpensive way to cut down on my electricity bill?

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I need cheap weatherproofing ideas, NOT foil on the windows.

I live in South Texas I have double pane windows, but some of them are missing the bottom pane, is there anywhere to buy cheap thick curtains or something?




  1. Turn your ac up and get some fans.

  2. If you want to cut back on your electrical bill get some power

    bars and start turning off all the appliances in your house that have 'instant on' like your microwave, the tv, the dvd player the computer etc. They waste a ton of electricity over a period of a year. With a power bar you can click them off and

    on with one switch rather than unplugging them all. Secondly

    hang your clothes out to dry rather than using your dryer. If you insist on using a dryer have someone come and clean out the dryer hose. It gets plugged with hair, fluff etc that comes off your clothes and as a result it takes longer for your clothes to dry. Also be sure you clean the filter every time you use your dryer. Turn down the temperature on your hot water tank. You do not need to have scalding hot water come out of the tap. That will save a lot of money. Get in the habit of

    turning lights out in the rooms you are not in. Do not fall for the old myth that you use more electricity turning the lights off and on than you do if you just leave them on. That is not true.

    If you do baking or cooking try to schedule things together

    like if you want to cook a roast and a pie put them in at the same temperature. If the roast needs to cook at 400 and the pie at 375 it is ok to cook the roast at the lower  

    temperature.This saves heating the oven twice. Try using a crock pot to cook with it . If you have the crock pot on for 8 hours it uses the same amount of electricity as a 40 watt bulb does for five minutes. Again a big saving plus dinner

    is really when you walk in the door. Buy a regulator for your electrical heat so it will turn down the heat at night when you don't really need it and also in the day when you are away at work. Try to have a shower every second day instead of every day.  These are things that I have used in the past few years and I have managed to get my electrical bill down by

    200. a year.

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