
What's an interesting abstract topic to write about? I.e fear, love?

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What's an interesting abstract topic to write about? I.e fear, love?




  1. war




  2. death

    what is death?

  3. Think of the most random thought you've had in the last day and just roll with it. It doesn't necessarily have to make a lot of sense, just write stream-of-consciousness. It will turn out pretty interesting and you might just find out something about yourself in the meantime.

  4. Denial. It's an amazingly powerful force, considering how ridiculous it is. There's a ton of information on it and most people won't choose it to write about. It allows you to touch on most of the central human emotions and cover all sorts of ground both scientific and hypothetical.  

  5. A topic I absolutly love is "What is Truth":

    You can go so many places with this and never get anywhere

    But yet, have the opportunity of analyzing really deep and reaching somewhere amazing.  

  6. Reality. Your just living a dream. . This page I'ma typing isn't real. Sort of like the matrix.

    The real world is in your dreams,

    Once CERN powers up their large hadron collider to find the Higgs boson and the Higgs field, then we'll know for sure.

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