
What's another word for she?

by  |  earlier

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My teacher made us do an assignment (for 6th grade) to do an introductory paragraph, but more than half the time I use "she" to talk about myself, is their something else I can use?

Please and Thank You =]




  1. hey people theres a girl over there

  2. mahgbdnkhnkdjgnsm,.zbnm, srnfdjlsrynjhlfkbgmhmlsg.,,b.bndfhxrlg; bngenhlnh;znefg;gh bjsdflzbgkesnhdzdxgbnldbgkelsrjnbjklgd;bmex nmlnwlksfgkfndkjlbndzflbgsrkzbngksfn gfsnsdm,vgnsfmngkjsfngkjndfkbnfsdn bdfvndxhzgjklrwhgtuiwrygn jfeoghsfil b g e  g ghersbgjildfhgb  g rt s hbrt jhnse r hbsrt b srth  rt hrt h rdyj tydnj rt  gh h nyf sdj yt jd  htea gre  rt hf h dsrjdty mkdtnjrs h rdtjtynhedty muedtu yrthetyjtdy h ryd tyjyetdjyrdnye ms

  3. Im confused to because i have alredy used the persons name and she or her... anything else???

  4. sarah

  5. Use expressions of what you are about to express eg. If you are going to talk about a lady wearing a corset but you don't want to go she wore a tight corset start with

    The tight-stomached beut wore a corset as tight as a baby sock

  6. she


  7. her

  8. your name some one else name or lady ms ,

  9. you name some one else name or lady ms ,

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