
What's appropriate attire for jury duty?

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I'm 18 years old (about to be a sophomore in college) and I got summoned for jury duty. The summons said to dress business casual but again I'm 18, I really don't have anything I would consider business casual. I know jeans aren't business casual but would a pair of nice very dark jeans with a dressy shirt be alright? If you have any advice for me I would appreciate it. My dad said they probably would dismiss me based on age, if you served was there anybody that young on the jury?




  1. assuming your a woman, wear a nice dress and top

  2. while i believe that business casual is the most appropriate attire, there are often people who serve as jurors that wear jeans and t-shirts to court.  while i do not think that this is appropriate, many do it.  so, if you only have jeans then wear those with a nice shirt and shoes.  you can make it work.

    age will generally not get you dismissed from being selected as a juror.  questions will be asked based on the type of case a jury is being selected for.  if you answer those questions a certain way, you will be dismissed because you will be viewed as having a bias.

  3. f you work in an office with semi strict dress code wear work clothes, most judges require neat comfortable attire but not denims, usually the jury administrator or however your county names the co-ordinator, will tell you

  4. Dress your best, regardless of what it is.   Head to the local discount retailer and get whatever you can that looks professional.

    Advice:  Bring a book, magazine or newspaper.  You could be sitting around all day waiting to be called, depending on the size of the county you live in.

    I almost got sat on a jury at age 19, but was dismissed due to finals week in college.   Last time I made it into the jury room, the prosecutor had a weak drug case and pretty much dismissed all the jurors who had a college education.

  5. If you don't have casual business attire, church clothes would be appropriate.  Yes, I have seen young people on juries, depends on the case and if it is criminal, or civil your odds of getting out of it.  By the way brings a good book, there is a lot of sitting around and waiting.

  6. business casual - no flip flops

  7. I saw people wearing all sorts of things when I had jury duty. If all you have is some dressy jeans, I guess you could wear them with some dressy shoes and a nice blouse. It would be better in my opinion to wear slacks or a skirt, but if you don't have them, the above should be fine.  I saw some guys wearing t-shirts and jeans which I thought was inappropriate.

    (assuming your a woman of course!)

  8. black jeans and a dressy top is just fine.. no need for a dress..

  9. I'd suggest something like khaki's and a buttoned shirt, or a simple skirt and blouse.  

    Age matters less than maturity, and it sounds like you're taking it seriously, so there's a good chance they'll keep you!

  10. Every time I go I'd wear something I'd wear to the office - no flip-flops, shorts, t-shirts, or that sort of thing. On the other hand we never wear ties to our offices. We tend to wear polo-type shirts and solid color pants.

    Being on jury duty is a civic duty that everybody has to do, however, so you get all types. I don't believe that there are exceptional dress codes in court. People I have seen there have been dressed in anything from a coat and tie to ripped jeans and flip-flops.

    I served on a jury when I was 22 - not so young as you. It depends upon what the lawyers are looking for and what their selection is. That particular day one of the lawyers asked if there was anybody there who wanted to serve on a jury - I raised my hand, and I think that was why I was selected. In general if you appear honest and non-prejudiced, you'll probably be on the jury. If you appear like you don't want to be there, you appear dishonest, or you say anything that would show bias in the case, you probably won't serve. Some people prefer it that way, though.

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