
What's bad about Muslims from a Christian perspective?

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Im a follower of Christ and one of my friends asked me that. I froze for some reason my mind went blank. They worship Allah. So is Allah real we just shouldnt follow him or hes not real? I guessed I asked two questions. Answers would be appreciated.




  1. Reason one- they do not know God. Their god is one that does NOT have an attribute of mercy. (this is just one attribute)

    This alone tells us it cannot possibly be the same God.

    I leave the rest for others.

  2. What's bad about "extremist" Muslims, in my opinion, is that they are of the opinion that all the world MUST 'revert' (their word, meaning regress) to Islam or die. Or to put it another way... No Free Will.

    Now, go ahead, ask me what I think is bad about "extremist" Christians, or Jews or Atheists...

    Almost missed your second question. Yes, their language currently uses as a generic word for God. But the way it began was that Allah was the name for a moon god they once revered. Look it up in this link;

  3. i believe in christ also but there are so many religions in the world who's to say who's right or wrong guess we'll find out when it's all over aye

  4. They wont admit Jesus is divine!!!!!!!!

  5. They are not Christians. According to Christians, anyone who isn't a Christian is a bad person. That's why they believe that people like Albert Einstein and Gandhi are evil.

  6. They are not Christians.

  7. Comparison grid between

    Christianity and Islamic doctrine

    (This is a general representation of Islamic beliefs)

  8. Peace..

    Muslims believe that Jesus rose the dead, cured the blind and injured, but Through God. Muslims do believe he is the Christ.

    They dont believe he son of god because God has many sons of God as said in Luke chpter 3 vrs 38 and romanz chpter 8 vrse 14.

    Adam the prophet didnt have a father or a mother, and he is the father of all of us, so doesnt that mean he is the son of God also.

    Allah means the one true god, the word God isnt even the correct word for Allah because a letter S can be added onto the end of the word God and can mean many Gods, whereas even if u put S after ALLAH it still means 1God, that is why it is why arabic is important. Jesus was not God as there is not a verse where he said " WORSHIP ME" or said "I AM GOD".

    Jesus canot be god because there are many verses where he says " i do not seek the will ofmyself but will of almighty god" in gospel of John chapter 5 verse 30. Also he use to pray to someone when he was on earth, who?he payed to himself looking at the sky?..

    Another is that the way He prayed was standing up, with his arms folded and bowed down to something, and muslims also do this, unfortunately over times this has changed...

    Check the source, there is no harm in reading it..


  9. allah translates to god, from dialect of arabic

    no difference in that fundamental delusion

  10. If you are a Christian you follow Allah - it is simply that language's name for God.  Arab Christians call God Allah and they are some of the most hardcore Christians you will ever meet.  It is simply  like Saying Gott instead of God in German.  Just the different languages name, and yes the God that muslims whorship is the same God that Christians worship and the same god that Jews worship - there are just some differences in prosepctive on worship and certain people (primarily Jesus) in that worship.

  11. Basically, Christians don't really enjoy anyone who isn't Christian, not just Muslims.

    It's really cruel, isn't it? That their own bible teaches them that anyone who doesn't follow their religion is wrong... hmm. That goes against lots of people's morals but they still go along saying 'I love Jesus!' and deny whatever ridiculous things the bible says.

    No offense. xD  

  12. From a Christian perspective, islam is a false teaching founded by a false prophet.  It denies Jesus as the Son of God, as Our Savior.  It calls our Bible corrupt.  It lies about Jesus' life, death and resurrection.  It denies the Holy Spirit (unforgivable sin!) by saying the Holy Spirit is the Angel Gabriel, lol.  islam's End Time prophesies have Muslims killing Jews, having a war with Christians, destruction of Israel and non-Muslim countries and the most horrible thing is they believe Jesus will return as a Muslim man.  

    allah is not God.  He has no children.  Judaism and Christianity teach we are children of God.  allah has no female prophets.  Judaism and Christianity recognize the female prophets of God.  Israel is not eternal to allah, but it certainly is to God!  

    Jesus is much more than a prophet to us, but islam teaches that's all he was and that Muhammad supersedes Jesus.  Muslims claim the Comforter is Muhammad when we know it's the Holy Spirit (God!).  There's so much more.  The Bible warned us about islam and other antichrists but Muslims did not listen.  We need to pray for them.

  13. That some have the need to fly airplanes into buildings and kill needlessly.

    That's pretty bad from any perspective.

  14. Quran Ch : 33 verse 35

    Verily, the Muslims (those who submit to Allâh in Islâm) men and women, the believers men and women (who believe in Islâmic Monotheism), the men and the women who are obedient (to Allâh), the men and women who are truthful (in their speech and deeds), the men and the women who are patient (in performing all the duties which Allâh has ordered and in abstaining from all that Allâh has forbidden), the men and the women who are humble (before their Lord Allâh), the men and the women who give Sadaqât (i.e. Zakât, and alms), the men and the women who observe Saum (fast) (the obligatory fasting during the month of Ramadân, and the optional Nawâfil fasting), the men and the women who guard their chastity (from illegal sexual acts) and the men and the women who remember Allâh much with their hearts and tongues. Allâh has prepared for them forgiveness and a great reward (i.e. Paradise).

  15. Nothing. There is nothing wrong with Muslims. You might not agree with their religious views, but there is NOTHING wrong with the people. That is a poorly worded question, and I suggest you change it before you seriously offend people.

  16. The problem I have is that in their Koran, it teaches that Jesus was not the Christ the Son of the Living God.  That he did not suffer and die for our sins and was later resurrected. For me that was enough to know that no matter how wonderful the rest of the book or the rest of their faith was...they missed the most important point.  Made me sad.

    Many would say that Allah is the Same as God...but I beg to differ since Allah does not have a child, where as God does.

  17. I have read the Koran and although I am a Christian I thought that it was a beautiful religion. I don't especially like they it is interpreted though. I taught in a largely Muslim area and the girls were very restricted in what they could and could not do. There was a lot of anti-semitism which was perpetuated by the local mosques, I know this is not exclusive to the Muslim community but it was pretty unpleasant.

    I don't think I would like teaching in an area with mainly fundamentalist Christians either though. The imams at the mosque often hit the boys with canes and one boy in my class developed a stutter because he was unable to recite the Koran in Arabic to the satisfaction of the imam and he was terrified.

    I did like the sense of family in the community and I still have friends amongst the families of the children I used to teach. I also liked the way Muslims welcomed Muslims from other countries

  18. Allah means The God.  How a person defines that God will determine if you are a heretic or a teacher of truth.  The Koran tells Christians and Jews to Go by the bible.

    68. Say: "O People of the Book! ye have no ground to stand upon unless ye stand fast by the Law, the Gospel, and all the revelation that has come to you from your Lord." It is the revelation that cometh to thee from thy Lord, that increaseth in most of them their obstinate rebellion and blasphemy. But sorrow thou not over (these) people without Faith.

      Then the rest the the Koran seeks to refute fundamental teachings of the bible.  This shows that Mohamed  was not a prophet.

  19. What's bad about Muslims? Dude, get a life.

  20. Well, dont hate on Muslims obviously.  God loves everyone.  However, Islam made up a lot of random stuff, like the fake crucifixion of Christ and how Jesus was this really great prophet, even though Jesus clearly claimed to be God.  The same thing happened with Mormonism and some of Catholicism.  You cant just make up stuff and have it called 'fact'.  It's not.  There is great historical, tremendous historical, weight to the Bible, escpecially in comparison to the Quran and Book of Mormon.  

    You cant change God, and if you try to, you are a false prophet, and believe me, there are plenty of those in the world.

  21. Think of it like two mates discussing which is the best car.

    One says Ford and the other GM.

    Both are a great product.  Because of that the best car is just a personal choice.

    Religion is the same.  Maybe you don’t grasp why someone follows a religion,  that is ok as your religion already has enough for you to do with out adding,  convert the world.

  22. From a Christian perspective? Well history has shown that it is religious reasons. The following of false profits would be my guess. Although Jew's Islamics and Christians all believe in the same god described in the old testament later writings have split the groups.

    Neither is correct, they are both unproven beliefs. (Faith)

  23. I'm a Christian (LDS) as well.  I think that the only thing that is bad about Muslims is also bad about many Christians.  There exists a minority of people who take it to the extreme and use it as a justification for great evil.  Crusades, Terrorism, etc.  

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