
What's bad about facial bleach? Any alternatives?

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I've used Jolen facial bleach once.

It gave me a rash while I was using it, but the rash went away the next day.

It worked great, though!

I was just wondering if there was anything bad about facial bleach?

And is there anything else that could be done about facial hair besides using chemicals?




  1. well you should try Sally Hansen because that line of stuff is pretty good and if i'm not mistaken, you can get one that's gentle on the face. I think that their new bleach is just like that overall though, they tried to make it better suited for peoples faces so no one would have irritation to it.

    Well other than bleaching it, which I honestly think is the best can wax it or shave it (not recommended unless you're male).

    Waxing can irritate your skin as well though, and the problem is that the hair will grow back and wherever it was cut off at, if it didn't break at the root, it will grow back thicker in that one spot that it was cut off. I do not mean the whole hair, but just where it was snapped off from and it will give the illusion that it grew back darker & thicker. I think that bleaching really is the best alternative with all of that said.  


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