
What's best - a caravan or a camper van?

by  |  earlier

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My husband, 9 year old, dog and I fancy doing some touring around the UK. What do you think we should get?




  1. Now I am in the US so I have to guess that what you call a caravan is what we call a camper, and what you call a camper van is what we call a RV.  That said I have a camper that we can pull behind our car and leave it where we want.  We love it for camping with the kids.  It is ancient, older then I am, yet its been maintained and so we just keep it up and it will last forever.  

    I like it better then an RV because of the maintenance.  With an RV you have all the maintenance of an auto and home wrapped in one.  Also if the engine finally dies you can't get it going without spending a mint.  

    Either way they are very convenient, when we arent taking ours places it acts as a clubhouse for the kids in the backyard, we set up a little campsite and fire circle so that when the kids want to they can camp any day of the week.  Its nice to have for guests as well, we can fix it up like a guest house and when family from the city come to visit they can have a nice little nest away from noisy us to recover in the evening.  In the winter the snows here are aweful and we can't always get out much, so when the cooped up kids get too much for my husband and I we can take turns catching some quiet in the camper, its so small we just plug in an electric heater and it's cozy in just a few minutes.  We have really loved our camper since we got it, I hope yours gives you as much joy, good luck.

  2. i loveeee campervans... you feel more like your camping in one plus campervan owners have an unspoken bond lol basically when your driving and you see another campervan they wave at you lol its ace plus with campervans there are convoys and stuff you can go on... like the brighton breeze! you drive up to epsom camp for the night then in the morning you drive with loadsssss of other campervans to brighton park on the sea front with literally hundreds if not thousands of campervans before camping on an old race track... campervans are a lot more fun =P



  3. Campervan = VW

  4. campervan! then you don't need to take a car an caravan and you don't need to set up anything

    you can get campervans that extand nowadays they are huge so you won't run ut of space, you mgiht think campervans beds are small but they are in caravans too so there not much difference there

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