
What's better, a PC or an AppleMac?

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I want to buy my 18 year old a laptop/notebook to go to Uni, but it's a surprise. Which is best, a PC with Microsoft or an AppleMac?




  1. microsoft ofcourse. apple is good for ipods only. by the way apple have discovered a glitch with their ipod batt.

  2. I prefer Apple. They're easier to use. Less (I mean no) viruses. The software is getting better and better, unlike Microsoft!!

    Also, if you *need* a PC to run certain things, it has some pretty neat emulators: Vmware & Bootcamp (comes with OSX) are the best.

  3. I know source of your question

  4. The best thing to get is a PC running Ubuntu. Ubuntu is faster than XP, a million times faster than Vista, and a very reliable system. Anyone going to a university will of course have very important school-related files, and I wouldn't be able to trust windows with them.

    Dell currently offers five computers with them preinstalled. You should check them out. Here's the link;

    Ubuntu has been made to connect correctly and easily with windows networks, and can run more windows programs than mac can by using a great program called WINE.

  5. An applemac is better since it provides you with better facilities A pc is now a days very common and also has ready servicing, but AppleMac has a bit of problem on servicing since there are not many in Mumbai! I have both of them and feel that AppleMac is much better since it works better and even though there is a little bit of problem of servicing the too go for an AppleMac. It also reduces space since the CPU in within the monitor. Good Luck!!

  6. APPLE IS S H I T H O U S E! you cant do S H I T with it

    GO FOR A PC!  

    Windows Xp pro   (OS)  xD

  7. Definitely Mac.  It's user friendly and a better purchase for the money.  There aren't as many software programs available, but if the use is for email, music, photos, internet, this is perfect.  OSX is less complicated than Windows Vista.  No complaints since my purchase 1 year ago.

  8. Don't ever compare a PC to MAC

    because MAC is "THE" best !!

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