
What's better? A newer domestic car (06/07) or an older foreign car (02/03)?

by Guest34127  |  earlier

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What's better? A newer domestic car (06/07) or an older foreign car (02/03)?




  1. which ever gets better gas probably the foriegn  

  2. I would pick a 2003 Saab over any domestic made car and over most other foreign made cars. Why you might ask? They are well engineernd things are thought out much better than domestic cars. It seems that cars made here in the US are tossed together to make a buck without taking into consideration how someone would repair it if they needed to? Saab not only builds cars but they build airplanes and other things with the idea of making them last and easy to fix and get moving again. Here is one of the biggest flaws in US engines made. They have what they call a timing belt which is prone to streching and break when they do the car either starts to run poorly or stops altogether when it breaks sometimes resulting in valve or piston damage. You'll find that Saab uses an actual metal timing chain and gears that last on average about 110-120000 miles on turbos before replacement and the top of the piston has a groove cut into it to prevent valve and piston damage. Have you replaced a fuse or turn signal flashers on an US car? Most require you to hang upside down like a monkey to find the fuse box or flashers. On a Saab there is a box that is easily gotten to on the fender and once opened all the fuses and flashers can be replaced. Another thing that impressed me was how well the doors fit.You just give the doors a slight tug and let go they close all the way shut instead of having to slam the doors like US and most other cars because they are made to fit right. I've owned Fords, GMs, Dodges and even AMCs none of them were that well built. Foreign cars other than Saabs, I've owned Porsche, Audi, Mitisubiti, Fiat, Yugo, "remember those cheap things?" Kia and a few VWs "Some of those weren't bad" But the Saab 900 and 9000 I had were the best and ever owned and would have still had the 1980 Saab today if I wasn't chrashed into by a pickup truck head on at a RR crossing. BTW I survived that it just a bruised knee and would have probably been killed in most cars.  

  3. That depeonds on make, style, and how many miles its had on it, and maintenance records.

    Go for the one with the least amount of miles, and good maintenance records, which will most likely be the newer domestic car.

  4. neither. an older domestic car is best. GO MOPARS

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