
What's better? Homeschooling or Public Schooling?

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please tell...i'm in a rock and a hard place




  1. A lot depends on the resources of either and your goals, as well as how you learn.

    Homeschooling is for self-starters who can work without great supervision.  Brick school is for students who need tutoring, hand holding or detailed instructions.

    If your family has resources to buy equipment and such (microscopes, telescopes, optics, physics toys, electronics kits) then homeschool can be better than both public or private schools.

    If you are intending to go into fields that require groups and interaction such as band, drama, video production, magazine or newspaper work, then public schools could be a better source of opporutnities provided they offer these things!

    A friend of mine works at a school system that has a recording studio with Pro Tools and lets the students record rock, metal, jazz, pop, country, etc.  They also have a full video production center and do cable access shows.

    You can do some of this at home, but you need the essentials and to make a small studio requires buying a Pro Tools or Cubase rig for $700.

  2. well i've been in both....and as it is with everything there are pros and cons of both of them. homeschool i think is better education wise....but you barely get out,and yeah its way harder and much more demanding.public school, u get in trouble easier, its more distracting so i personally think you don't get as much out of it. its more fun and there are more after school activities and stuff but, that can be very distracting too......everyone is different though.i like public school because i get to be around my friends more but, i also get easily distracted and tend to get worse grades than i do in whatever floats ur boat i guess :)

  3. It completely depends on the student and how the family is homeschooling. With a bit of what the public school in question is like.

    Write out the advantages and disadvantages of both. Which one has disadvantages that really outweigh the advantages? Or advantages that outweigh the disadvantages? What about your future--which one will benefit you most (and not necessarily just in terms of "having fun")?

  4. Homeschooling for me.

  5. homeschooling, it makes the child responsible. & who says u cant have friends when u homeschool???.........cuz I have a bunch of friends, & I homeschool

  6. The main thing I've heard about home schooling is that their math suffers.  Also it is a less social environment, which could hurt the child later on.

  7. id say home school the society and company in public schools are not good, there are way to many examples of how kids will gob ad in junior high and high school, so if u want to snd ur kids to ps do it for elmentary and put them in hs for junior and high school, i mean if u r homeschooled u can still socialize,  home school programs have fun filled events for the students and parents, so u can check it out, there is a good online home school program as well which is avialibel in many areas check it out, , it is k-8 and 9-12 grades.


    Check out the link for more answers to this question.

    Most homeschool families will tell you that while homeschooling works well for them, they do not expect it to work well for everyone.

  9. I would say public, allows the child to talk with others and make friends.

  10. i think public schooling for you can develop your social skills and make more friends. you'd experience being a typical person in school especially having group projects can develop your cooperation and leadership

  11. I am a mom of 5 and I have been home schooling them all for the past 4 years.  They were in public school, however things weren't going well.  A school counselor suggested home schooling.

    Most public schools want your children because they need that money - more kids enrolled, more money slated to that school/district.  But some actually care about the kids enough to be honest with the parents about what would be best for the child in question.

    I am a public school graduate .. I had no problems, and I loved my schools (for the most part).

    My children, however, did not do so well in public schools.

    As for what's better ... why are you asking?  Is your child having problems in school?  Have you spoken with the teachers/counselors?

    If this is just a random "what's your opinion" type question, here's mine ... the better one is the one that is in the best interest of the child in question.  

    All 5 of my kids are 2 grade levels higher than what the public school would have them at.  And this is because they are allowed to move at their own pace.

    If your child moves slower or faster than the rest of the class in public school, s/he will become frustrated at being made to "slow down" or "hurry up" to stay at the same level.  While some teachers see this and help the student, others stick to that "box" mentality.  

    My kids were moving too fast, and their teachers were "holding them back" so they would stay at the same level as the other students.  My kids became bored and restless, stopped doing work, passed all tests with "A"'s, stopped participating in class.  Teachers soon had problems with my kids ... they were passing all the tests, but had no work to show they knew how, never participated.

    My case is not exactly unique, but it is not the same as everyone else.  I home school because for my kids, it is the best option for them.  You need to figure out what is the best option for your kids.

    Just as a note ... as a home schooler, my kids are very involved in extra-curricular activities.  Dance, martial arts, teen groups, friends, youth groups.  

    And we have school 4 hours a day - some book work, some computer, some educational tv/dvd.  

    We are a cross between home schooling and un-schooling.  Do some research on both and see what will work best for you and your family.  And if you have more than 1 child, keep in mind each one is different and has different learning styles.  Some subjects will come easy, others won't.  It all depends on each child.

    Also, I contemplated for 6 months before I finally agreed to home school my kids.  Not because I didn't think I could do it, but because I worried I wouldn't be giving them enough.  I have since learned I can do it better than public schools.  Make very sure you are prepared for all that is involved in home schooling your child(ren) before you make such a decision.


  12. Not sure why you're between a rock & a hard place... but the "answer" to this question depends on "better" for whom, and under what circumstances. There is no right and wrong answer to this. It's a matter of opinion, and whichever side you land on, there is evidence to support either argument.

  13. Public, most of the time; homeschooling is bad because most parents have no idea what a curriculum is nor do they have the education necessary to teach and the child misses  out on important socialization with their peers. bad all around, should be illegal.

  14. There's no need to feel you're between a rock and hard place.  You just need to think about your needs and goals, and figure out what's best for you.  Homeschooling has many benefits, including:

    - an education tailored to your interests and learning style

    - absence of negative peer pressure and bullying

    - more free time to pursue goals and hobbies

    Some students do just fine in public school.  My husband loved his high school experience.  But for those who aren't thriving in a traditional classroom or want more than public schools can offer - homeschooling works very well.

    Here is a look at the pros and cons, and disadvantages of homeschooling:

    Here is a comparison of homeschooling and public schooling:

    Contrary to popular belief, homeschooling affords many opportunities for social interaction, and is better at preparing students for life beyond high school.  Here's a look at some of the activities available to homeschoolers:

    Good luck making a decision!

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