
What's better? Obama's 8 years of Palin's 20 months?

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What's better? Obama's 8 years of Palin's 20 months?




  1. what did obama do for 8 years?

    he was "according to the governments own website" 143 days as an active duty as senator since 2004

  2. Uh, Palin has 16 years as an elected official.  

  3. What 8 years?  obama has ZERO executive experience/

  4. well what has Mr. Obama done in the past year besides campaign....

  5. Palin's 20 months, She was a Governor not just a State Senator.

  6. palins 20 months.

  7. Obama makes national laws. This lady makes state laws. No comparison.

  8. Well, if you could call Obama's eight years seems that he has been on committees that to this day has never even had meetings.  Come to think of it, I don't understand why we're paying Obama as a senator. He simply doesn't work.

  9. Do better research next time.  Obama is nowhere near as accomplished as Palin.

    And if couldn't get any does.  Palin, entered a gov't in Alaska that was using a private jet to bring their officials around.  During campaigns she promised to sell it and stop wasting money on it.  She came through and sold it.  It's saving Alaska millions!   I doubt Obama would do such a thing....especially after watching his convention....he'd me a BIGGER jet!  His convention was an indication of how he cares about the people --- HE DOESN'T

  10. Don't you mean..

    Palan's 20 months of executive office vs Obama's  NOTHING.

    You can attack her for lack of experience all you want.  But she's NOT the one running for president and she still has more experience than Obama.

  11. Not to mention she was a mayor. Obama worked a whole 143 days in the senate.  Wheeeeeee!!!!  More info.:

  12. She's governed, he's had a whole 141 days in the Senate.She proved she can make changes, Obama only talks of making changes.Do your homework before asking dumb questions.

  13. Obama Obama Obama Obama Obama  

  14. Palin was a governor.

  15. 8 years of spam vs 20 months of progress.  Socialists will pick the 8 years.

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