
What's better- Rugby Union or Rugby League?

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What's better- Rugby Union or Rugby League?




  1. rugby union

  2. Leaugue is so boring.  Nothing happens unless someone breaks a tackle.  5 tackles and kick.  That's a good idea, give the ball away to the opposition

  3. it's got to be rugby league

    union nowt but kick and chase

  4. They both suck - big square jawed chumps with no necks.

    Football, cricket, golf.... anything but rugby.


    My team Hull Kingston Rovers RLFC would waste that bunch of freaks they call the England RU team.

    Johnny Wilkinson my A*se!!!

    Paul Cooke would kick his toffee-nosed little back-side into the middle of next year!!!



  6. Rugby League by a country mile.

  7. although the england game was compelling, it was a rubbish match just a lot of long range punting to each other, the RL grand final, was compelling physical exciting and had lots of skill and creativity

  8. Union. It's more physical, plus it's bigger in more countries, which adds to my pleasure as a Dutch fan, relying on foreign TV stations to cover it.

  9. Rugby League 4 sure m8, the rest of the world dont play it bcuz its 2 rough plus they suk so they play that other c**p union. its boring, soft and slow.

    dutcbo u *** head how in the world is union more physical?

  10. Union, more skill involved.

  11. Union players would'nt lst 2 seconds in League, they are too fat and poncey.

  12. Union

  13. League by about 200 times.

    Murphy: At least we have 5 tackles before kicking it, unlike union who can't put 3 passes together without hoofing the ball downfield - Boring!

    eeadie: More skill in union? - You're having a laugh, aren't you? My old amatuer side has more skill than half the toss*rs playing union

  14. i personally prefer rugby union, though rugby league is also good to watch

  15. Rugby Union is probably better because it requires a wider range of sizes and shapes to play the different positions. So is open to a wider range of people.

  16. Here we go again!!

    I can imagine the interest created by England's success in the RU world cup, saying that they haven't won anything yet.

    There are answers here that state that Yawnion is more skillful, I just can't imagine where there is ANY skill in Yawnion, its just kick, kick and more kick. The oval ball was invented so that players could run  with it.

    League is much more skillful, athletes with incredible fitness levels, you had only to see the RL Grand Final on Saturday.

    Congratulations to both teams on a tremendous game and especially to Leeds Rhinos on their success, and that's from a Wildcats fan!!!

  17. I'm leaning towards league at the moment.  Too much farting around at line out and scrum time in union.  I like league cos everyone can run catch & pass.

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