
What's better?: Single or dual props in weedy areas?

by Guest66835  |  earlier

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Not sure whether to get an engine with a single of dual mercruiser prop. Will be getting a 22 ft. open bow boat, mostly for cruising and kids water skiing & tubing. But we will keep boat in a shallow area that is weedy. Trying to avoid weeds wraping around my prop. Will one prop work better than the other...or is it something I needn't worry about?




  1. get single prop because you have a less chance

    of getting tangled in the weeds

  2. if you are in the weeds, you will get tangled, I have never been able to avoid it, just a sad fact of life.

    do you want to disentangle one prop or two?

    if it is appropriate, try to go fast if possible through the weeds, they will chop instead of tangling, cant always be avoided though.

    sometimes i think my boat is more of an aquatic mixmaster than anything else.

  3. I think if you are buying it for recreational use, skiing with your kids, etc. You should get a single prop. It wouldn't matter either way it will just get tangled up like single props do but you will have to props to get the weeds out instead of one. You never no the weeds may not even be a problem.

  4. no difference. however, sometimes, if your lucky, with a single prop. you can often clear weeds by putting the engine into reverse. depending on how much has got wrapped up, this can often throw the weeds back off. a trick we would often use when comming into dock with sea weed, once got to the dock, throw it in reverse for a second or 2 and that would spint he weeds off.

    however, with counter rotating props, this wont work, since, as one throws off, the other will catch. so that trick wont work. so really, id save the few extra bucks and invest it in maybe a prop guard? basically a cage type device that surrounds the prop. will reduce your boats speed, but if weeds a serious problem, might be worth looking at.

  5. get two props that dont have exposed shafts, that way you can chop the weeds!

  6. If you have shallow water than dual is out as the repair price is extream>Get a 4 blade keep sharp and cut away.

  7. I would recommend an Alpha drive the Bravo III drive is very expensive and the maintenance costs more. the Alpha will serve your purpose just fine. The twin props really help achieve higher top speeds but if your wanting to ski go with an Alpha I.

  8. A dual prop vessel is always better than a single.  It is much more manouverable, and if you lose one engine (dual engine setup) then you have another to get you home.  The only downside is fuel consumption & servicing of the extra motor.  If cost is no option, then always go dual.  You are takling dual prop on a single motor though,  the only advantage of the counter rotating prop again, is manouverability.  In terms of will you be subjected to extra weed?  In my experience it wil make no difference wether you have one or dual.  You should avoid getting anything wrapped around the prop/s.

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