
What's better busses or trains?

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Especially when abroad?




  1. in the US trains are 1000% better...Bus people [mostly] are poor ,,smelly..and a bus bathroom..PEE YOU

  2. Much nicer by train, you see  more and arrive fresher.

  3. Apples and oranges. Trains are great point to point transportation along certain designated routes. However they don't go to the out of the way places where a bus can take you. I would say the best would be to combine the two methods into an itinerary that takes you to both the main tourist destinations and some little experienced off the beaten track destinations.

  4. traveling by train is the way to go especially outside U.S. you travel around town to another country in no time and the snacks and food served inside the train are interesting!

  5. you can sleep horizontally in the train.....but more expensives compare to bus.

  6. I would say trains, as they can give a smoother, more comfortable ride, especially over long distances.

    Buses have their place, and in some countries provide a holiday experience in itself, for example in Malta the bus network is very cheap and uses charming ancient vehicles.

  7. Contained passenger rail systems can give to the minute punctuality.

    It also seems that people are more comfortable to interact while traveling on the train.

  8. Trains because busses have to go across railroad crossings.

  9. For a lot of people in one place that want to go to another one place, far away at about the same time: Trains are best. Japan and Europe have the best in the world.

    For many people that want to go to many different nearby places, at any time, the bus is best. Think of rail trains as "Wholesalers" and busses as "Retailers."

  10. trains because they go faster and it has  extra area to keep luggages and we can sleep comfartably

  11. Trains every time and you can get up and walk about without a problem. The bus can be good for short journeys but is not always comfortable.

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