
What's better for you.....Sauna or Steam room?

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I would be interested in hearing the benefits of each.




  1. STEAM..I love it

  2. Dan...I can use a sauna at work that no one in the building seems interested in aside from me. It's ok. I get really thirsty afterwards though. It makes me more relaxed and I feel better with the sauna.

    Steam is probably a little more easier but a free sauna has me not complaining.

  3. Health benefits of a sauna:

    Vasodilation- increases blood flow. Analgesic- decreases nerve sensation relieving pain.

    Antispasmodic- relieves muscle spasms. Diaphoretic- promotes sweating. Eliminative- toxins and waste are sweat out the pores.

    Sedative- relaxes nerves and muscles.

    Benefits of a steam:

    Vasodilation- increases blood flow. Analgesic- Decreases nerve endings relieving pain.

    Antispasmodic- Relieves muscle spasms. Diaphoretic- Steam promotes perspiration. Expectorant- loosens lung and bronchial congestion.

    Purifier- steam eliminates poisonous toxins via sweat.

    Sedative- relaxes nerves and muscles.

    So it's not really which is better, but which do you need more. Good luck!

  4. Steam room

    although they both detoxify your body,

    there are ashes from the coals and might hurt your lungs whereas breathing steam will only hydrate your throat and it feels like a shower :)

  5. steam room for sure. you can sit in it longer, it makes your skin feel moist and you still feel warm and less like you are suffocating.

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