
What's better or easier?

by Guest31686  |  earlier

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I am 21 years old and already have three beautiful children and me and my fiance are wondering how to prevent having more kids! lol basically I cant remember to take a pill and we dont like condoms so it's either a vasectomy or getting my tubes tied but we would like to have more kids in the future. So my question is what is easier a vasectomy or getting tubal ligation. I heard that tubal ligation is very very painful and can have down time of about 6 weeks which means no getting out of bed or even holding my baby. And a vasectomy is easy on the man, cuz its a 30 minute procedure and they are back to work within a couple of days. Has anybody gotten both done or does anyone know what the side effects are for both and which one is cheaper?

Please no rude comments.. thanks!




  1. im 21 myself and im happily married with my husband for 4 years and i thought of the same thing as you and i found out something...... MIRENA its an IUD that take about 10 minutes to insert it in you well MIRENA last 5 years and PARAGUARD 10 years. i have PARAGUARD..... and its an easy process to take out too. you should talk to your ob/gyn about it. it was so somple for me and dont have to worry about anything pilss, shots, changing this or that. nothing. "just a bucket full of fun" jijiji hope i helped

  2. if you want to have kids later on both of those procedures have a low reversal rate and are expensive.and by the way a vasectomy is not that easy on a man, unless you like gonig to work with a swolen basket ball between your legs! try a IUD its easy, can be preformed in your doctors office and can be reversed at any time. they need to be changed every 5 or 6 years but is no problem. there is also a small rod that is placed under the skin and is no more painful than a shot that lasts for 2 years don't know what the procedure is called but ask your doctor he'll know about all the new things you can do.

  3. Well, if you get anyone answer that they've had both, they probably got them both for free in exchange for appearing with the surgeon at the next medical show and tell.

    Tubal ligation is quick and does not have much of a recovery time but is a hospital affair. It also has a higher surgical risk, not that either of them are risky. But vasectomy is very minor, in the office, and has pretty much nothing in the way of recovery, other than maybe some pain and a follow up to jack for the doctor to make sure the swim meet is over. Cheaper, too. And, if he wants, he gets to wear the little "V" pin in his lapel. I don't think there's a "TL" pin.  

  4. Actually there are injections you can get instead of the pill that last you the whole year. I would seriously see a professional and put all these options to your doctor. Science has come up with a lot these days ;-)

    Good luck and 3 kids by 21..I can see why you'd appreciate a little break for a bit ! lol

  5. Nuva Ring. Put it in and leave it there for 3 weeks. No pills. Im a virgin and know that....

  6. If there is a chance you want more kids in the future, absolutely do not get a vasectomy or a tubal ligation.  These are permanent sterilization procedures, not birth control methods.

    You need to talk to your doctor, but you may be a good candidate for an IUD, which lasts for five years or more.  You can use the patch or the Nova ring as well, which need to be changed/inserted weekly or monthly, but you can set your cell phone to remind you.

    Most insurance companies cover birth control methods and sterilization procedures in full.  You have to call yours to ask.  If you are paying out of pocket, a vasectomy runs about $400 and a tubal ligation costs about $4,000.  A tubal ligation is surgery, and it is designed to be permanent.  You will not meet the criteria for it if you want to have children in the future.

  7. All I've got to say is that I had my tubes tied when I was 23 and I had two children (but I almost died having second child,due to type 1 diabetes complications) but it hurt terribly. It actually hurt worse than both of my cesearean sections combined!!!! It is very painful,I even had to have help to get up and down off of the toilet for the first week or so.

  8. how about you trying growing up? lol be responsible and take your friggin' pills or use a condom.

  9. If you want more kids than you just have to learn to be more responsible.

    When you no longer want more children is the time to get the procedure, but not until you are sure you don't want more kids.

  10. I know you don't "like" condoms, but they're the cheapest and easiest way, no surgery required, and you both will get used to them eventually.  Nowadays, condoms are made to feel like almost using nothing at all...

  11. I had a vasectomy . It wasnt to bad but it did grow back on its own and ended up having more kids . It sure did make me look at my spouse funny when she told me she was pregnant . I figured she was out s******g around until i went and got a sperm count .

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