
What's better tampons, menstrual cups or pads?

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What's better tampons, menstrual cups or pads?




  1. Tampons. You don't leak, or sit in your own blood. And it's less awkward and feels way better.

  2. I never liked wearing pads.  They always made me feel like I was wearing a diaper.  And without fail, they would always shift on me and barely catch anything.  I ruined more pairs of underwear when I wore pads than any other time.

    Tampons were better, but at times I would get such a heavy period that I'd leak through the largest size tampon in less than an hour.  As my period progressed, I felt so dried out that if I put in or took out another tampon, I felt like I would tear.

    I've tried Instead, which is a disposable menstrual cup that sits near the cervix.  While you can have s*x while using one of these, it does take practice to put in correctly.  Sometimes I had trouble with it staying in place.  And every time when taking it out, I could never keep the cup completely upright so the blood wouldn't spill before I wanted it to.  I was always grateful when I was at home to change it so I could quickly and easily wash the blood off my hands.

    I now use a Diva Cup and so far, it's been the best choice for my period.  Like other menstrual cups, it takes practice to learn how to put it in correctly.  This kind of menstrual cup isn't as particular about positioning.  This one sits low in the vaginal canal and uses light suction and the vaginal muscles to stay in place.  I have never had problems with it leaking.  If I put it in right, I don't feel it at all.  You can leave it in for up to 12 hours.  There's less risk of toxic shock syndrome than with a tampon.  It's reusable, so it's better for the environment and better on your bank account.  You just remove it, empty it, rinse it and put it back in.  At the end of your cycle, you clean it with mild soap and water (or the cleansing product designed by the company) and store it in the cloth pouch that comes with it.

    I think I'll be sticking with the Diva Cup for many years to come.

  3. Tampons, not as much of a mess.

  4. how the heck am I supposed to know

  5. whats a menstural cup ?

    i prefer tampons coz i cant feel it when bleeding,butthen i hate having to change it all the time . pads are great when your at the start or end of your cycle and only have light bleeding.

  6. Pads.

  7. Tampons are amazing, you don't feel them at all.

    But seem to have to be changed way more often.

    So Tampons for day, pads for night.

    Works wonderfully.

  8. i've always been pads fan .. it's more comfortable to me

  9. tampons, when inserted correctly you don't even know its there, can't feel it at all.  Pads tend to shift and move when you move and walk so it makes leaks much more likely.

  10. tampons, I guess there cleaner and easier to dispose of.

  11. menstrual cups DON'T WORK...pads are uncomfortable and cause embarrassing leaks a lot of the time...tampons are the most comfortable although they can be dangerous to us if they are left in too long...only wear them for 4 hours and then change it no matter how little you bleed...if you're very young, use pads they're safer for young people

  12. I like pads better because it feels more natural.

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