
What's causing my Sony STR-444ES Receiver to Hiss with a Static annoying type of noise when watching movies?

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I can't explain why I'm having this issue with such an expensive unit. I can hear the movies I play but with added annoying noise. Can someone please help explain what's the cause of this? Can it be the capacitors and if so how much will it cost to repair?

I have taken excellent care of this receiver and have a Moster Power Cleaner. Thank you




  1. First see if its your receiver or your speakers that are hissing. If its your speakers then you may have wires running close to electric lines which causes static ( the monster power cleaner will not protect against this it will only help you with power in your outlets. If its the reciver call sony because its an internal problem.  secondly make sure all equipment is plugged into your monster surge protector.

  2. This forum suggests that you have a dynamic range switch (DRANGE?) switched on and in this case need to switch it off

    Some extreme examples of compression could probably overload such a circuit I would also believe. In this age there are opposing sides in the audio world: engineers that believe in making everything the same loudness and the old fashioned types that want a pin to drop  *   then cause the gasoline to go BOOOOOM.. The problem is that lately there are more loud audio tracks than dynamic ones. I'd bet it is like limiting/clipping and that's what they seem to think also.

    Switch the DRANGE off and see what happens

    best of luck to you

  3. So did this problem just start.  I would look at the manual and review how the cables are supposed to be hooked up and make sure they are tightly inserted. Guess you audio cables could have gone too.  Do you have any you can swap out.  I don't know anything about capacitors or the Monster Power Cleaner.  Do you have to turn your TV speakers off.  What's new or different that may have provoked this problem.  This is just a guess.  I'm a tinkerer with electronics not a pro.

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