
What's considered 'too long' when it comes to hair? & is mine too long?

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A lot of people tells me my hair is too long & that I should get it cut shoulder length.

In my opinion, that's wayyy to short.

But I've been thinking about it lately, it'd be cool to try something completely different.

Here's my hair now:

(Don't mine the weird thing on my head, I was messing with Photobucket image editor ^__^)

What do you guys think?

Is my hair too long?

Would short hair suit me?

Any other suggestions?




  1. Cut it to your b***s. Length looks good on you, but I think it'd look better just a tad bit shorter

  2. Personally, I think your hair's beautiful. Leave it:)

  3. it's fine, mine is past my butt.

  4. cut it boob length(to ur b***s) no homo.

  5. i love your hair. i think it looks great that long. i wish my hair was that long, but if u wanna try something new go for it... its only hair, itll grow back!

  6. narrr:P ur hair is wayy long! It's better short =] and layered!=D  

  7. No, you look fantastic with long hair.

  8. My friend had hair to her shoulders and grew it out that long. Anyways, it's a pretty length, but it's to the point where it doesn't have any style. Like it just sort of hangs there, if that makes any sense? I would think to your chest is a good length, or if you want to do a major cut and not have to go to a salon for a while, then shoulder. And maybe cut your bangs while you're at it? Good luck!

  9. your hair is fine. but i would get a cut with lots of layers, framing around your face. it doesn't have to be short. it can be maybe 4 or five inches shorter.

  10. your hair is GORGEOUS! i really wish my hair was like yours! u should either leave it or trim a few inches off,not too many! juat a few like 2-3 inches!

  11. I think its perfect.

    No longer

  12. I dont think its waaayyy too long. But i think cutting 3 or 4 inches off the ends would make it look alot healthier.

  13. Looks very pretty except the ends are looking a little uneven. I used to have hair that long, but I just recently chopped it all off. I'd say cut if off to the underside of your b***s. That way, you should be able to get a even hair look without cutting off all of your hair, if that's what you want. I can't tell if you have layers or not, but I don't really recommend them on hair of your length because your hair will not look tailored unless it's one length. Good luck!

  14. Well i think you look good with long hair!! =D its kinda long but sometimes it looks good for ppl!! but maybe you should cut it shoulder length just to try someting different!! maybe you would like it!! =D

  15. i'll tell you thing do what you want to do if people tell you to cut your hair maybe they just wish theirs was that long.but i think you should cut it and donate it to locks of love they make wigs for people who lost their hair to aloepica and cancer

  16. Leave your hair alone, it's great.

  17. You have a beautiful could go very very short...I just cut my hair off to half of what it was...and I like it so much more--people see ME and not my hair.

  18. hi sweetie!

    mine is exactly EXACTLY like yours! btw i think u are very pretty!!!

    love ur hair! i dont think its too long, mine is the same way and i love it :D

    just trim the ends like 4 inches maybe, to get it healthier but it looks okay =)

  19. no its not, im a guy and in a year mine will be that long

  20. you should keep it long, but trim a few inches.

  21. awww no way maybe trim it up so it's a little healthier, but long hair is georgous I had hair like that and I regret it every day that I cut it off!!

  22. Get the ends trimmed to be sure that it looks healthy.  If you want a different look, but want to keep the length then wear it up.  There are many different ways: french roll, bun, curl the ends and pile it on top of your head, wear braids.

  23. just cut the ends.

    long hair is pretty!

    i just cut mine to my shoulders, it was as long as yours, and i regret it soooo much!!

  24. hotttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt...

    Its too long when it touches your lower back ;)

  25. its not that long... to me it looks fine but if u want a new style yeah i guess u should cut it

  26. I love it :) I think longer hair is more feminine and beautiful. I would get a little trim but. You have beautiful hair.

  27. Too long would be around your butt.

    Yours isn't too long. It looks cute!

  28. I think it is fine like it is very cute and even the guys might consider it s**y but since i am a lady i won't say that but i also think it would look just as cute cut in a short style kinda jagged around the face line you have beautiful hair that would work with any style you wanted to go with so you can't go wrong if that helps

  29. I think its the perfect length! and it looks great on you!

    go ahead and try a shorter style, you could always try those site where you upload a pic of your face then try on different styles online.

  30. Short hair could suit you , but in my view , nothing is more beautiful then long hair and yours is very pretty.

    The only reason you could try otherwise is like you said , a change , but do it for yourself if you really find some logical reasons for that choice otherwise you should keep them

  31. lololol ! im khmer twoooo.

    and yeah your hair isssss long, but try curling it? but straihtening it is nice alsooo.

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