
What's considered the proper etiquette when your credit card is rejected?

by  |  earlier

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Which of the following reactions would be considered appropriate in an upscale restaurant when <gasp> your credit card is rejected?

a) Scream like a wild person, hoping that your loud outcry will somehow change the result in your favor?

b) Ask the serving person to try it repeatedly, hoping for a different outcome?

c) Use your now cut-off cell phone, pretending to speak to the Credit Card company with indignant outrage?

d) Explain in very detailed description about your last payment to the Credit Card company, and how it is obviously and oversight??

e) Attempt to put the head waiter/waitress in some sort of bizarre headlock as a display of your anger

f) try to pay with several other credit cards, hoping one will hit the "jackpot".

g) Cry like a blubbering idiot, hoping to gain the sympathy vote.

h) express total outrage at the Credit Card company and their archaic method

i) other - please describe.




  1. I&#039;d go with &quot;f&quot;

  2. Ask the waiter/ess politely to please try the card again. If theres no joy leave your  wife or first-born as a deposit and scurry off to the nearest ATM and get cash.

  3. i) Respond, &quot;My bad!&quot;, pull my yellow rubber gloves out of purse and head toward the kitchen as if I am going to wash dishes.  Then once I get to the kitchen, I bolt out the back door and never look back.

  4. i)  rip one to throw their attention off and just run

  5. I saw a black guy start screaming at a convenience store clerk because his card was rejected.

  6. sucks to be you peasant.

  7. i) When I was waiting tables and this would happen, usually the person dining would tell me what their bank balance is and how they don&#039;t have any money problems. In one instance, the person (who incidentally happened to be blind or deaf, I forget which) pulled out a copy of their ATM receipt to show me what the balance was.

  8. Other, always take cash as a back up when you go to a restaurant so as not to cause this type of embarrasment or have money on your debit card and pull it from your checking account.

  9. Option b is more appropriate but in case u are aware what is causing rejection u must ask the manger politely to bear with you as you will be making alternative arrangements to call a friend or write a cheque.

  10. I) other- pretty much all of your suggestions are immature.  

    I forsee two options for someone in that situation.

    1-  Pay with another method of payment and appologize to your server and guests.

    2-  Have another guest pay and appologize to your server and guests.

    Either way, assuming you are at fault (which is 99% the case; credit card companies don&#039;t mess up that often), you should learn to manage your money and not spend what you don&#039;t have..

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