
What's cost to get from airport to hotel in Monterrey, Mexico?

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I am staying at the Best Western Centro for a conference and arriving about midnight. I assume I will get a taxi unless someone knows a better way. Any idea what it should cost and any tips about 'tourist traps' involving transport. First time in Mexico. Thanks for any help.




  1. No it is 25 dlls tops and it is not necesary to give any tip.  Yes you buy the ticket in the airport,  there is another opption but it´s better this way because this is your first time in monterrey.  The hotel where you are going to staying it is in a dangerous place, so be carefull, but don't be afraid Monterrey is still a very nice place to stay.  Excuse my writing it´s been a while since i have to do this.  Enjoy your visit.

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