
What's environment?

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What's environment?




  1. Everything around you.

  2. Its just another word for biosphere and its where life on Earth exists.

  3. Environment can simple be defined as "everything around me including me"

    Its sum of biological, phyisco-chemical and socio-economic factors and their continuous interactions.

  4. this is everything an organism interacts with.

    i am sitting in my room and typing an answer to a question.  this is currently my enviroment.

    and unlike the conventional sense, enviroment is not only the outdoors.  at least not to the science community.

  5. your yard. example:trees,bushes ect.

  6. Surroundings in which an organization operates, including air, water, land, natural resources, flora, fauna, humans and their interrelation.

  7. what ever is outside your or anyones front door is the environment

    even a room is clasified as an environment its a place and its climate or conditions including what ever lives in it

    the woods ,dessert ,lakes ,mountains all are Environments
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