
What's every ones opinion on Kate and Jerry Mc Cann?

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Because I think that if it had happened to a poorer couple, with less prestigious jobs, child services would have taken there kids away.

How irresponsible, i wouldn't go three doors down and leave my son.




  1. It was literally the same distance of a couple who were eating dinner in their own house on the ground floor while their children slept on the third or fourth floor of the home. I don't think it was all that irresponsible.  

  2. They have learned the hardest possible way that they did not take enough care of their children.  Hopefully other people have taken note, because convenience carelessness has become commonplace in Britain (it certainly wouldn't be practical to take all children treated this way "into care").  In most other cultures people would have taken their young children with them when they went out to dinner.

  3. i think its incredibly sad what happened to that poor little girl, ( whatever it actually was). the parents must be heart broken and its some thing that i guess you would never get over. but at the same time you have to ask what the h**l were they thinking leaving their child like that, alone in a foreign country. people who care more about having a quiet dinner alone as opposed to a family meal with their family don't deserve to have children in the first place. ( but i am NOT saying they deserve to have their child snatched away either!!). i know i would NEVER leave my child alone anywhere apart from my own home, and especially not a strange country just so i could have a bite to eat.  

  4. I think they should be left alone, they may have made a mistake they may even know more than they say BUT they may also be innocent and will pay for a silly mistake for the rest of their lives!!!! At this time they need peoples support to help find their little girl not everyone judging them still- those that beleive its their fault arent going to notice little maddy if they saw her in the street one day would they! those that offer support are much more likely to notice should she be out there bless her.   I GIVE ALL MY SUPPORT TO MADDYS PARENTS AND HOPE THEY ARE REUNITED WITH THEIR PRECIOUS DAUGHTER! WHATEVER HAPPENED THEY DIDNT DESERVE LOOSING THEIR CHILD TO THE UNKNOWN!  

  5. I get so irritated when I see people say "they made a mistake". They didn't make a mistake. They were completely irresponsible, selfish idiots. Anybody with an ounce of common sense knows you do NOT leave your children in a motel room alone while you go to dinner. They are 100% responsible for wat happened. They left those children without adult protection. Anything could have happened. And it did. There is no excuse for what they did and sadly a small child had to suffer for it. We see this irresponsible behavior and usually other parents are outraged. Why anyone thinks these parents deserve sympathy for their "mistake" is beyond me.

    EDIT: Sorry Elena but no they are NOT as responsible and mature as the rest of us. Leaving small children alone is neglect. It has nothing to do with "raising a 20 yr old dummy". If your parents left you home at age 3, i pity you. The police should have intervened. The fact that you see this as reasonable behavior for a parent makes me pray you have no children.

  6. I think its wrong these two are being made into celebrities because of their negligence, these people have well paid jobs and highly educated and they leave three kids alone while they enjoy a meal, if this happened to a poorer family the kids would have been taken away and their name trampled in the mud !

  7. I think it's none of your business or anyone else's business what does another family do and how do they raise their children. It's not irresponsible to leave a little child at home. It happened. OK, things like that happen but not as often as you say. I have been alone at home at age 3 because mom went to the store and alone at age 7 for the whole afternoon after school and nothing happened and I know thousands of kids who have been raised without fear being in their own houses. It's just the American way to baby the child until they are 20. The McCann parents aren't irresponsible for doing it. It just happened. they are as reponsible and mature as you and no less. It's more irresponsible to leave the child's brain develop slower and make the child become a dummie and wonder why they aren't responsible and mature at the age of 20. How do you do that? You leave them with diapers until age 3 when they could be taught to the potty at age 1 and earlier, you don't let them stay alone at home and learn to take a little bit of care for themselves until they are old enough to date. Then you don't let them date and gain the experience which would be important and useful for them a few years later. then you spoil them like nobody else in the world can imagine. I think YOU are more irresponsible, not the McCanns.

  8. I don't know or care. They were in another country, what happens in Portugal stays in Portugal, all parents make mistakes. They have been cleared so let them get on with it

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