
What's everyone's opinion of the hopefully soon to be released "New Goose"?

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I peronally think it's absolutely jaw-dropping. What a solid design, re-crafted with modern technology and even a turbine prop option!! Beautiful and so very useful.

Here are the details:




  1. one of my top 5 dream planes

  2. I worked on an old G-21, this one actually:

    I think they are the neatest planes ever made.  The door under the instrument panel going to the front cargo and hatch.  The 'sight glass' fuel gauges beside and behind the pilots.  The overhead throttles.  Able to land on land or sea with a good load.  And of course it's a taildragger when on land.  These planes are so easy to work on.  All you need is standard AN hardware and some metal and fabric knowledge.

    But to me it just isn't the same without the rumble of two R-985s right out the open cockpit window.  You might as well have a Twin Otter if you are going to go turbine (and they are back in production now too).  Sure the piston Goose is slower and more maintenance, but you don't buy a Goose for it's modern charms do you?

  3. It's a nich market, but great airplane. Very rugged and the Goose can handle rough sea conditions that few seaplanes with twin floats could negotiate. I'm glad to see new ones are being built. DeHavilland Beavers and Otters are being (or going to be) built again too. They all may look archaic to some people, but the designs are hard to beat for their intended use. I've flown turbine float planes professionally and it's really nice to have the ability to reverse on the water while taxiing if needed. Solves lots of operational difficulties, especially in adverse winds and water currents.

  4. I am not seaplane rated but it nice to see an era gone bye still hanging in there.

  5. aside of the engines, it looks very doubt it is rugged though.

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