
What's exactly is Active-X & Adobe Flash Player AND WHAT DOES IT DO EXACTLY?

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What's exactly is Active-X & Adobe Flash Player AND WHAT DOES IT DO EXACTLY?




  1. Active-X: A program in web-developing that makes browsing more interactive. Another web programming language that is equal to JavaScript. A JavaScript code, for instance, is implanted in this website - if you click the "Answer This Question" blue button and it turned green, it uses JavaScript. The mechanism is the same as ActiveX

    Adobe Flash Player: Software you use to view interactive content in web-sites. Most browsers today already have it built-in. A game is an example. Try one and you'll find out what is Flash.

  2. active X is a software that comes with another program. it will prompt you to download it when youre downloading a new soft ware.

    adobe flash player is a program for you to watch an image. not exactly a video, but a picture that moves.

    hope i helped!

  3. You defnetly need to download it for picture quality and gameing.

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