
What's faster a cheetah or a horse? Two girls want to know they are fighting over it.?

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IT is a cheetah isn't it.




  1. Cheetah is the world's fastest animal!

  2. A cheetah is the fastest land animal in the world... so yeah - it's a cheetah.

  3. Cheetah by far!

  4. Cheetah! It is declared fastest in the world.

  5. No doubt a cheetah, its the fastist animal in the world!

  6. a cheetah by a long shot! So tell them to stop fighting!!

  7. cheetah,its the fastest......not a horse

  8. Cheetah can do up to 70m\h horse only about 40

  9. The cheetah is the fastest animal on land in the world.

  10. Sprint in the 1/4 mile: the horse; medium distance or longer, the cheetah.

  11. well a cheetah is definitely faster  can run up to 80mph but can only do it for a short amount of time .

    and a horse can only get up to about 50mph  but can last a lot longer.

  12. the cheetah is the FASTEST basing on can travel up to 70-80 miles per hour making it the fastest between the two animals.

    i hope i helped!tell the other girl's a scinetific fact.

  13. It depends on how you look at it. A cheetah can reach 70 mph, but this is only in short bursts. Their hunting technique is to sneak up on their prey so that they only have to run a short distance to capture it.  

    A horse, on the other hand, survives in the wild by running from predators.  They will run as far as it takes to get away from them.  A Thoroughbred can reach speeds of up to 40 mph and possibly 50 mph.  They can keep this up for MILES. A cheetah can only keep up 70 mph for about a hundred yards.  

    Therefore, if a cheetah and a horse were to race, the cheetah would win as long as it was a short distance.  If it was more like a 2 mile race, the horse would have the stamina to beat the cheetah.

  14. well a cheetah is faster because a cheetah can run up to 70 miles per hour a horse can olny run up to 45 miles per hour. so a cheetah is faster.

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