
What's fun about World Of Warcraft?

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I have a level 24 mage. Traveling everywhere and doing kill/collect quests is extremely tedious..

I see people say that it doesn't actually start until you're a high level. What 'fun' is there at high level exactly? How about at low level?

Or do you think the game is boring and only popular because it's by Blizzard? (What i'm thinking at the moment).




  1. It doesnt get any better. When you get in the higher levels, you can do the same dungeons over and over and over again in hopes of getting better armor so you can be better at pawning other players. Thats all the game consists of. Even worse, without any good quests, and the lack of storyline, once you hit 70, all you can do is try to get better armor and pvp. Theres one less thing to do, and the game is even more boring.

    If your bored now, youll be bored later too.

    Blizzard quickly became famous with the releases of its titles in the warcraft, starcraft, and diablo universe, long before WoW was ever released. WoW was a success before it was even released due to its large fanbase, its ease to play, and the lack of experience its audience has with mmorpgs. Its easy to find better mmorpgs out there with actual points to them.

  2. MMOs are generally social games. theyre meant to be played with other people. if all you do is solo quest grind, of course its going to be tedius and boring.

    find a nice guild, make some friends, go on adventures with them. youll find questing and grinding doesnt seem nearly as boring when youre distracted by the fun conversations you have with your guild.

    I stopped playing after my guild disbanded because without them, it just wasnt fun playing.

  3. Level 70 is so sweet...

    You are so proud when your character reaches 70. You make friends along the way and when your level 70 you can just PVP all day with the friends you made.

    Your only level 24 so I get why its boring for you. When you hit 30 LOADS of new abilities will be available and playing the game will be very fun. + At your level your probably in a non-contested area so theres no World PVP.

    The games not popular because its by Blizzard. Blizzard is famous because it made this excellent game. The whole game changes when you reach level 30 and then at 40 even more. 40-60 is generally boring and 70 is just too sweet...

    And if getting to level 24 was difficult for you then this isnt the game for you, level 70 will be h**l to get to if your bored at 24. Oh and leveling up in WoW now is a piece of cake compared to 3-4 years ago so I don't see the problem.

  4. I agree that a big part of the fun is in the social aspect - getting to know guild members, who can also help you out.

    And yes, the further you go, the harder it becomes to level (more tedious) but if you change your goal from leveling to something else (like goofing off, having fun blasting things with fire and ice) then you may find it more entertaining.

    You're also at a good level to run instances. Those can be a fun challenge - IF you get a good group. A bad group is a nightmare.

    And lastly: if you're having trouble, try making a new character in a different race/class. When things started getting too tedious with my paladin, I made a rogue, and I LOVE the rogue (nothing like sneaking right past critters that don't even know you're there). So try out a few different combinations - if you're not feeling satisfied by level 20, try something different (don't delete the old characters, though, until you're absolutely sure you've found something much better).

    Hope that helps!

  5. At level 24 you really haven't explored your class, there is pvp, also there are instances but you need friends, doesn't sound like you play with anyone in game.  However a mage class may not be a class for you there are other classes that you may have fun with, the game is more then just a grind, there is more content then just PVE you have to explore that content yourself.

    I am not going to tell you how to have fun in a MMORPG

    That being said I have played on and off since beta, have serveral characters over level 70th but tired of waiting around for new content with patches or expansions and moving to Warhammer.  

  6. i don't know man, i don't find anything interesting 'bout WoW - i don't play it, though quite a lot of my friends do...

    there are a lot of other MMORPG's that are much better than Blizzard's game!

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