
What's going on 40w1d?

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Ok so since about 1:30 this afternoon I keep having these pains, they don't hurt and they only last for about 5-10 seconds but they are not in a pattern, they just come and go whenever...anyway I have been having braxton hicks but today feels diff.

Every time I have one of these pains its kind of hard to take a deep breath, it also makes me feel like I have to p**p {tmi} but then I try and nothing happens. I'm also having alot of pressure down there (hurts worse when I'm laying down on my side)...

My water has not broken, and I have not lost my mucus plug. My doctor doesn't check me so I don't know if im dilated any either.

Are these still just braxton hicks or what?




  1. If your worried your in labor you should call your doctor or go to the hospital to get checked. At least they would see if your dilated and you would know if you have even made any progress yet (if thats what you want that is). Sounds like BH though... good luck !

  2. I would say that with you feeling like you have to p**p you could be in early labor.  You need to monitor how often your pains are.  Count from the beginning of one pain until the beginning of another pain.  If they get regular that will confirm it is true labor, but if you are in doubt then go get checked.  My first baby was born at 40w 1d.  I wish you the best.

  3. HEY! i was due yesterday too! that's pretty cool. yea i know what you mean about those pressure pains they only thing i have found to relieve them is laying down in warm bath but even that is difficult cause its hard to get up. i wish i could help you but i have never even experienced a braxton hicks yet so i wouldnt know. anywho good luck lets pray we have our babies this week!!!!!

  4. How frequent are you having these contractions?

    if they are 5 - 10 minutes apart i think your going into labour!

    my contractions were exactly like yours, made me feel like i needed to poo ... they didnt hurt that bad to me either.. but i went to the hospital and was already 7 cm dilated!!

    congrats on your new baby!!

  5. My experience with contractions is, if you feel like you need to poo, it is time. You should call your doctor.  Not every one feels the same with contractions.  If your doctor says nothing is going on and you still have that pressure, go to the hospital.  They will have to check you!  They should have been checking you from 36 weeks.  You know your body.  Is the baby moving?  IF he/she is less active, this is also a sign.  Drink a glass of COLD water and lay down for about 20 minutes.  If baby doesn't get moving, YOU get to the hospital...  GOOD LUCK!!!

  6. they're probably pre-labor contractions. i would say since you are so far along it is likely they are progressing your cervix for labor, but its probably just going at a slower, gentler pace right now. i would expect you go to into full blown labor within the next day or two, week at the most. hope you make it to the labor before they try to induce!! walk as much as possible and s*x as long as the doctor hasn't said not to. as long as your water hasn't broken do what you can to try to move it along quicker.

  7. they sound sound BH contractions. REAL contractions are painful! But baby is due so you could go get checked out either way. I went to the hospital twice with my 1st before I was actually in labor.

  8. you could go 2 weeks either way early or late i would go to the er to be checked out
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