
What's going on?? Please help?

by  |  earlier

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Ok I started my period on the 22nd it was sorta light at first then it started to look normal. The blood was red... Then on the 24th I still had my period but it was very light. On the 25th my period stopped. And today it started up again except for it is very light... I usually get heavy periods. The blood was almost dark red... then it was pinkish.. I took two pregnancy tests from the dollar store and they both were negative. I took them both after my period started.. I took one at night and the other the next day (in the morning) I have alittle signs of pregnancy which are; tired a lot(but it could be caused from me staying up late), I haven't threw up at all, dizzy sometimes, small cramps, hot all the time (then again it is summer), b*****s have been sore, and I just feel pregnant. Last time I had unprotected s*x was alittle over two weeks... I don't know if I am pregnant.. or if I am just stressing to much. What do you think? Advice please? Thanks for all of you guys that help me with this I appreciate it.




  1. wait a week and go get a blood test done at your docs good luck

  2. stressing to much and at that time you might have not been ovulating and if you have your period then i would say your not pregnant are body's can do weird things when were under stress.

  3. I dont think that u r pregnant as one u got ur period and two negitive test, the hot is due to the hot weather, and the sore breast can be a sign of pregnant but it also can be due to the period. The weird period could be due to the changes in ur body ur body is going through a change and i say wait for another week and than test again but i say the test will probably say negative. If you want yto be pregnant i wish you all the luck.......

  4. Your symptoms could also just be pms. Stressing over being pregnant could delay it as well. Take another test in a week if you're still unsure.

  5. Look honey, you're looking forward for a pregnancy,right? It'll happen.. and in the mean time you have to be patient. Wait till you have no period for at least 40 days before you do the home pregnancy test. If it's +ve, great, make an appointment to see a gynaecologist and you can take it from there. The signs and symptoms for pregnancy is the same for menses so symptoms mean nothing. If you have been trying for pregnancy for a year with no results then it's better to see a doctor as soon as possible as youth is fast fading and above 28 means you could face fertility problems.


  6. it could be one or the other both are possible but if you had s*x and gotten pregnant only two weeks ago you are going to have to wait another two weeks for the right results. it just maybe to early to tell sorry.

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