
What's going on between my two guineas?

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I put my 1 year old guinea with a younger guinea about two to three weeks ago. Well they get along most of the time but I noticed a few things that may cause for concern. First of all when it's feeding time (like treats, and veggies) sometimes Chichi (older one) will block Honey inside of her igloo and eat the food first. Another thing is one of them (not sure who) is making this werid like shaky humming noise and then the other one will start to make quiet sqeeks. And sometimes Chichi wont let Honey get any of my attention.

Can anyone explain these things to me?




  1. Dear Jean,

    It seems that Chichi is bullying Honey. I wish I knew a way to stop it. Maybe you can put a food bowl outside the igloo for Chichi, and one inside the igloo for Honey. And maybe Chichi is making those strange humming sounds to Honey, telling her to stay away. Then, as for the little squeaks, that might be Honey being scared. Hope this helped and good luck with your guinea piggies!


  2. Sounds like Chichi is trying to be superior.  Hopefully they'll get along and that will stop once Honey is completely full grown.  All you can do is try to prevent Chichi from exhibiting this behavior and make sure Honey gets enough to eat.  If things don't change or worsen you'll have to get seperate cages or find a way to split a cage into two.

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