
What's going on here

by Guest61880  |  earlier

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I just recently had my period. Anyways, I was about 3 days late. The first day was light, the second was heavy, same as the third. The fourth day was light and bam, nothing else. I went through the whole PMS process before my period. My question is, yesterday as I was wiping, I noticed some mucus/blood combo. along with a very small clot-looking thing. It was dark red and had a grey surrounding. It wasn't like an ordinary clot to me, since it didn't really just fall apart (as most of my clots do). So, what's going on here? Why is that I'm getting that after a couple of days after my period. And why now?:




  1. if this isn't common for your periods, try an hpt, if negative talk to your doc about this period and bleeding, you can also try asking a doctor online for free for advice, try

    hope that helps good luck!

  2. Don't know you should call your doc.

  3. You need to see your doctor.

  4. you could be preg

  5. wow... you know.. i had kinda the same thing last month.. I have been TTC for 7 months now.. and last month. I spotted for 1 day.. and then nothing. then started and was really heavy for one day and stoped.. I have never had a period like that before.. Its always just regualar for about 4 days.. but anywho.. i tool a test and it was BFN so I think that it must be just from stress of TTC... I wish you luck. I would maybe take a test just b/c you never know.. and if anything call your Dr. they maybe able to help you out!

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