
What's going on in Georgia?

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Can anybody tell me exactly what is happening between Georgia and Russia? I know that Russia invaded Georgia, but why? Also, what is their relation to each other? Is Georgia a separate country? I heard that Russia is pulling back into South Ossetia. What is South Ossetia's role in this conflict? Is South Ossetia another country too? Do you know if the US planning on getting involved soon?

I know I have a lot of questions, but any help would be extremely appreciated. Thanks so much.




  1. South Ossetia is currently a region in the North of Georgia that declared Independence from Georgia in early '90s, but the UN hasn't recognized it yet. The ossentian people don't wanna be part of Georgia. They held an independence referendum in which 99% voted for Independence. NATO condemned the referendum.

    Georgia's president ordered a military attack on Tskhinvali, the capital of South Ossetia, 1500 civilians were killed and 34,000 south ossentians fled to Russia.

    But Georgia is a "de facto" US protectorate and wouldn't mount a military attack without US / NATO approval.

    Most important of all: South Ossetia is at the crossroads of strategic oil and gas pipeline routes, it's located right next to Russia and VERY close to Iran.

    Needless to say the US is behind all this and Moscow accused NATO of having "encouraged Georgia" to attack South Ossetia.

    Far from being a civil war, these events are part of a plan of a  Middle East Central Asian war, including US-NATO-Israeli war preparations against Iran

  2. Mason hit it on the head of the nail...give him the points as soon as you can

  3. Georgia invaded South Ossetia and killed a lot of Russians. No one knows the exact number, anywhere from 44 to 2,000. Georgia bombed South Ossetia, and moved in all of their tanks and equipment. Russia quickly retaliated and bombed Gori, a city in Georgia, and also brought their own troops into South Ossetia, killing a lot of Georgians and causing them to flee.

    Now that Russia is continuing it's attack into Georgia, Saakashvili (The Georgian President) is claiming that Russia just wants to attack a poor, defensless democracy to further the power of their regime (which is of course, bull).

    However, everyone believes Georgia and the US will be sending Navy warships into the Black Sea. A lot of people want to give aid to Georgia, especially military aid.

    This will probably lead to WW3, unless it is stopped. Remember what happened in WW1? A tangle of alliances caused the war, and that's exactly what will happen, which is why everyone is freaking out.

    By the way, South Ossetia is a region just north in Georgia, and just south of Russia.

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