
What's going on in there?

by  |  earlier

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Last month, I had my period and it all went as normal. I had unprotected s*x on the last day, he pulled out before he came at all (i know that's a horrible method, and should not be used as birth control, but hey...) then two days later i started bleeding heavily again. This lasted seven days, like a normal period, which was weird, but i let that go... Now I'm here, about two weeks late. What do you think is going on? I have been incredibly stressed lately (recently got laid off, other drama with my fiancee and other friends) so I'm hoping that's it. I've heard that it's not likely to get pregnant while on your period...




  1. I would take a test to be sure but it sounds like you are just stressed out that brings on the prolong periods.  I know, it happened to me.  Good luck!

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