
What's going on with Rampage Jackson?

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I know he got arrested earlier this month. Then his family had him committed or something. Has anyone heard whats really going on with him?




  1. he needs to stop wanting the spotlight

    and start wanting to train , and train properly ,

    then sign the fight against the axe murderer

    and kick his butt back to the jungles of brazil.

  2. nut case

  3. Here.....

    Read this. Sadly, it pretty much sums it up

  4. He goes nuts everytime he loses a fight.

    He needs to learn to control it, get his life on track, and start training again.

    He dropped Juanito Ibarra as his trainer, nex stop would be to find a good camp to reach a new plateu.

  5. he is just pissy because FORREST GRIFFIN WON!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!

  6. Rampage has always gone over the edge when he loses . Frank the Tank knows his stuff, Jackson will be self destructive for about 2 more months and come back as a new man ready to move on to his next big shot which he will destroy his opponent and quickly gain another title shot .Basically Ufc is starting to look and act like WWE

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