
What's going on with Russia and Georgia?

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What's going on with Russia and Georgia?




  1. The small country of Georgia, invaded an autonomous independent province that was theirs back in 1992. Since then, they invaded to re-conquer that small province for resources, and to expand US(government)-Georgian interests. At the time they invaded, they killed native Ossetians, Russians, and 10 Russian peace keepers. This ultimately motivated Russia to mobilize, and defend themselves from the Georgia invasion, and the South Ossetians from ethnic cleansing. Take care.

  2. Long story short = The georgians want to recapture South Ossetia which is part of georgia (but controlled by rebels). The russian army was there, and they had a huge confrontation. Both sides dispute that the other fired first. Then the russians send in a huge invasion force and bombed Georgian military and civilian targets. The georgian army is in full retreat and disarray. However at the last moments, French president brokered a cease-fire deal. Tensions are still high right now. Rumours are saying that the Russians provoked the Georgians into South Ossetia so Russia could invade Georgia. Evidence was backed by the crippling of the Georgian communications infrastructure by Russian military or militia hackers.

    If you need more news you can go on

  3. Russia is super parinoid about their former states, (Ukraine, Georgia, Latvia, and Lithuiania). Ukraine and Georgia have a strong relationship with the U.S. and that makes Russia very uncomfortable. When Ukraine and Georgia applied for NATO membership, this sent the Russians over the edge and they used the two breakaway provinces of Georgia as an exuse to invade the country. This is their way of bullying and intimidating these former states of theirs. They want to return to their former glory days as a world power. Not going to happen this way as they are only lsolating themselves and showing that they are the 8 year old brat among all the other grown up superpowers.

  4. Georgia bombed South Ossentia and slaughtered over 1400 people there. The people asked for russia's help and Russia went in. Russia considers the people of South Ossentia as Russians since the overwhelming majority of people there want nothing to do with Georgia.

  5. 1) USA funds and trains  the militry of Georgia.

    2) Georgia is on the border of Russia.

    3) USA some time ago promised not to get neighbors of Russia, into NATO

    4) USA broke that promise, and is pushing to get Georgia into NATO

    5) Russia sees this as aggression - a foreign military on its border, like north korea getting security deals going with mexico, and paying for and training the mexican army.

    6) USA gave permission for Georgia to invade a small semi autonomous province inside of Georgia called Ossetia. Ossetia is pro russian.

    7) Georgia went in, and slaughtered thousands - knowing Russia would go in.

    8) Russia went in, and began to battle the Georgian military.

    9) a week later, the US military went into georgia

    10) Today, we announce a missile deal with another neighbor of Russia

    11) Russia announces it does not like that

    12) Iran is pro russia, so expect this to somehow morph into a war against Iran. We have made it clear we want to invade iran, and there is no better way to do this than to create a big mess taking focus off the current events. The more jumble of info there can be in the news, the easier it is to convince  the citizens to go along with the military action initiated by politicians.

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