
What's going on with cops and skateboarders!!!!????

by Guest44891  |  earlier

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It's happening so much now. Cops have confrontations with skate boarders. I don't even see why it's such a crime to skate. Anyways, why is this use of excessive force against skaters so widespread?




  1. It really saddens me to see all the hate towards skateboarders, not all of us are rude punks who want nothing more than to cause trouble, true skateboarders do it for the love of the sport.

    I hate having confrontations with the police when im skateboarding... especialy when im just trying to relax after a hard days work or school; i find that staying calm and acting curteos towards the officer tends to prevent any kind of penalty

    also i go places that before the police show up; security will come and tell me to leave, so i have time to "vamoose"

    also to all those saying that skaterboarders are rude; thats not true at all, you only remember the rude ones because they antagonised you... most skateboarders are very nice people.

    "and they look nasty" thats a very bad stereotype, different people wear different things... i personaly like clean dress shirts when i skateboard

    skateboarding is not a crime; its an art.

  2. Skateboarding isn't a crime.  Trespassing is a crime, however.  Most office parks, shopping centers/mall, libraries, etc. where you want to skate have these things called "Insurance polices" and they don't want their premiums to go through the roof because of some minor child skateboarding, trying to do an Ollie and breaking his/her jaw on the concrete when he/she slips off their board.

    They are called in usually by the owner/administrator/security guards/ etc. because if you hurt yourself in any way on their property, you or most likely, your parents are going to sue, sue, and sue everyone.  They'll sue the property owners, the security company (if any), and anyone else connected with the property for "Not Doing Their Job" by letting you skateboard on their property and will claim that it was "Their Fault" that you hurt yourself.

    It's not that they hate you, it's just that they have a job to do.  If a property owner, or management company or their representatives call the police because you are outside risking injury on their property, it is their right to have you removed from their property.  It isn't your playground, no matter how much time you hang out there.

    Go to a skate park, pay a couple of bucks and skate there instead.  

    Hope this helps!

  3. i dont even know

    they just hate us

  4. In most cases, its the fault of the skaters that confrontations occur.   Don't skate in crowded pedestrian areas...don't skate in places that say "NO SKATEBOARDING" (This should be a pretty good hint that you arn't welcome). hard is it to avoid these situations?  It's not, but some kids just see it as "Yeah whatever pigs can't stop me from having a good's a free country...whateva".

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