in the summer it's still kind of sad because my mom didn't let me see any of my friends. But i'm still a little happier when i'm home and have my thoughts to myself. Last year, it hurt to be around anyone happy. i would literally feel dicomfort to the point of serious emotional pain some days. Just being at school gave me stress and most of it was because i was around other people. Sometimes i act awkward around other people because i have no real experience being around other people. They seem to make me nervous and depressed because its so easy for them to communicate w/ one another, but i have a very hard time even having eye contact. Then some days ill jus wake up and feel depressed and it willl ruin the whole day no matter what. i was always worried about losing my friends last year because i barely talked sometimes, especially around other people. i dont want to do that this year so id like to know how i can stop this. please?im about to start high school.