
What's going on with my hubby?

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my husband is so uncomfortably with me in public always looking around nervously he snaps and snarls and i always feel like we have to rush,even flat out ignoring me infront of others it has been at least a year since we have gone anywhere together it just makes me miserable when we do but the other night he had a work function and as i was waiting for him to get in the car i was watching him with his work mates showing off so happy and comfortable with himself cocky and out going dont get me wrong i'm glad he had fun but that is not my husband, when he is at home he never has any energy, never really wants to chat or go places am i just being paranoid or is he acting strange




  1. He may suffer from depression. Ask him if there's anything he wants to talk about and listen to him, and encourage him to forgive.

  2. Simply many guys act differently around there spouses then they do around work colleagues.  You have a guy like this it is quite normal actually.  If you are an attractive woman then he most likely has jealousy issues or even trust problems with you being around other men.  You need to talk to him and ask him why he acts so different around his work colleagues then he does with you.  Question do you nag him alot if he has energy do you get him to do lots of stuff at home if you answered yes to these then this is why he is like this.

  3. It sounds to me like your husband was simply putting on an act of "bravado" with his workmates.

    He sounds very unhappy, and it may not necessarily be anything to do with you.  Does he like his job? Are there things he's sacrificed for family that were very dear to him?  He may just be feeling like life is "blah" at the moment.  I'm sure you've felt this before.. we all do at some stage.

    Talk with him.  For a lot of people, when they are feeling hurt, frustrated or confused they lash out at others (usually the ones they love cop it the worst).  He is your husband, you are his wife - you have the right to ask him what's bothering him and support him as you work towards a solution together.

    Unlike some of the other posts here, I don't see this as being a sign of having an affair.  This sounds like a man who is fed up and frustrated to me, not a man who is cheating on his wife.

    Best of luck :)

  4. may be he is having an affair

    or there is something bothering him

    talk to him

  5. could he be seeing someone else?

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