
What's going to be tougher in the 08-09 season?

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1.) Playing for the Thrashers?

2.) Being a goalie in Tampa Bay?

3.) The weather at Wrigley for the outside game?

4.) Sean Avery to not make the NHL headlines for a stunt?

5.) San Jose making it to the Western Conference Finals?




  1. Playing for the trashers by a mile

  2. I'd say being a goalie for the Lightning.

  3. #1

  4. Playing for the Trash-ers. There starting center? Eric Perrin. As in Eric "PING off-the-iron" Perrin

  5. playing for the thrashers. i have a feeling that they will be off to another city soon...

  6. Playing for the Thrashers has to be the worst thing possible right now.

  7. Playing for the Thrashers.  Last time I checked the only player they have left is Kovalchuk, but now that he doesn't have Hossa to play with he's not going to be as good.

  8. Thrashers.  Don't belive the Thrashers fan above.  If the team was so good, they'd have shown it.  They've since lost all of the other players he mentioned, exception being Kovie, who will be gone when his contract expires in two years.  they are really, really bad.  i feel sorry for atlanta.

  9. It's a toss-up between 1 & 4.

  10. haha 4

  11. id say playing for the thrashers they just suck in all aspects except for kovalcuk(sp?)

  12. 5! 5! I pick #5 LMAO!! Just kidding!

    I'm going to pick #1. I think that the Thrashers will indeed get the #1 draft pick next season along with the worst record in the NHL.

  13. id definately say playing for the thrashers

  14. 1. theres nothing wrong with the thrashers (Kovalchuk is HERO)

    2. yah Smith or Kolzig could make for a long year

    3. i dont know, ive never been to Chicago, but cant be as bad as Edmonton a few years ago -30 C

    4. Avery should be in the headline, it gets peoples attention and more focus on the game

    5. no chance, Detroit is far to superior for that to happen, then Anaheim and Dallas are strong too

    Answer: #5 too many strong teams in the west to pick a favourite in July

    EDIT: Kovalchuk rarely ever played with Hossa expect on the PP. Just think the line they had before. Kovy - Savard - Hossa. Hes done good so far without them, dont expect anything less

    current starting #1 line was

    Ilya Kovalchuk - Todd White - Mark Recchi

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