
What's going to happen to Boobie Gibson?

by  |  earlier

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Because of Mo Williams coming to Cleveland, and if Delonte stays. You think he'll be moved to shooting guard? He has an incredible stroke. Also...thoughts on the trade? Think it'll help the cavs reach that ring?





  1. I'm not sure. I dont know if he could possible be involved in a small trade. He's a shooting PG, and the Cavs just got that with Mo. I doubt Boobie will be seeing and big PT during the games. But goodluck though!

    If you guys keep Delonte, you would have a lot of depth at the point.

  2. Nobody cares

    My pic rocks

  3. they should keep him.. if it werent for gibson the fagaliers wouldve never made the finals

  4. They'll keep him as the backup sg as Gibson should be their spot up shooter. West should be staying with the Cavs since he is young talent, but the only way I see him  going is just bad luck(the cavs are the only winning team he's been on in his NBA career).

    There's another option too. West could be the sg while Gibson can be the pg because West used to play sg before he got into the NBA, but I don't think Gibson has better playmaking skills.

  5. Well they kind of need him...da cavs r not dat good of a 3 point shooting team but they r tryna get better in dat. I think it will be pointless 2 have all three of thoose young gaurds so i think west will most likely be leaving (even though hes more of a PG) cauz i think da Cavs c alot of potiental in Gibson.

    This is a real good move though ...they get more of a true and vet PG.

  6. Well no question that he's a good 3 point shooter but he's only good because of lebron.

  7. Cleveland better make some moves fast ,the window is closing fast!Lebron will be gone in 2010!!The problem is they are the 3rd highest paid team in the NBA .

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