
What's going to happen when we run out of fuel within the next twenty years?

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How will people get to work? how would they provide food for shopping centres? What will happen to all the truckies? Is it possible to make electric powered cars maybe?




  1. Even if no alternatives are found, proven oil reserves will last at least 50 years, and coal (with coal-to-liquid technology) will last several centuries.

  2. We'll always keep finding oil if we are willing to pay the ever increasing cost of drilling for it (as we tap out the oil that's easy to access.)   Of course once oil becomes more expensive than alternatives we'll use the alternatives (this hasn't happened yet).

    The truckers will ship by rail (which will be electric) until they are quite close to the destination. Electric cars are no problem either, they've been around for 100 years.  Look up "Detroit electric" and "Edison cell".

    Where will people live?  Think about where you live, in a suburb where public transit stinks and everyone drives because driving makes the most sense.  Those places were only built because fuel was dirt cheap.  People will move away from places like that.

  3. We won't.

  4. Twenty to fifty years no one knows yet anyway

    We have found some alternate resources like solar bio-energy. My guess is that food will get more expensive.

    Did you know that solar power cars are already being made in japan.

  5. Civil wars,and riots will kill of half the population,then there will be enough fuels.

    People in SUVs and pickups will be dragged out and shot,their vehicles burned.

    Or we may get off our rears and make fuel out of garbage and save landfilll space.

  6. It is not going to happen.. Twenty years is a long time and alternate sources will be discovered... stop with the sky is faling mantra.

  7. The people will start understanding that they should have saved some gas. They can get to work on a bike but not to many people are going to want to do that. The food will be a big problem. Good question.

  8. we're not running out of feul. that's what they'd like you to think so they can jack up gas prices.  the u.s. has discovered a massive oil deposit in the gulf, (you dont hear about that much) and they're finding oil all over the world with the equipment they've got now. we just have to go deeper to get it, which we couldn't do before. what we need is for the u.s. to use more of our own oil and import less.  we also need new oil refineries since we only have  a handfull, and they're  like sixty years old.

  9. don't care about twenty year go straight the line we are going !!

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