
What's good to wear when on a scooter?

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I have a 50cc scooter. I can get it to go about 40, but that's downhill. So there's not much riding other than to and from school everyday. I have a helmet, but I don't really know what else to wear with it. I don't want to have to change when I get to school everyday, so I want to avoid stuff like that. I want a leather jacket since I do plan on getting a more powerful one when i turn 18, but this is a learners thing my parents have me on.

Any suggestions for other things I should wear, but are easy to get off and on?




  1. An armored jacket on a scooter?  are you serious?  lmao

    wear a helmet, wear clothes that can't melt to you if they were to skid, wear shoes instead of sandles... other than that... it's a scooter!  you aint gonna be going very fast to need full on race leathers, lol

    your worst enemy would be a car hitting you, and silly little armor aint gonna do a thing against a car

  2. It all depends on the weather and your surroundings.  If the weather is cold, long sleeves are a must.  If it's warm you can make do with half sleeves.

    Similarly for hot and humid climate I would suggest you wear a bright colored T-shirt with jeans or skirt.  Also keep a pair of gloves (with half-finger design) handy.  In the cold season you may need these to prevent your fingers from freezing out.

    If you wear anything that is too loose, it may balloon and start flapping around which would be a big distraction.  Also remember any loose pieces of cloth like a shawl etc. could be a potential danger if it get entwined in the rear wheel or engine bay.

    A full helmet is best and the sooner your neck gets used to bear the weight, the better it is for you.  A half face helmet may appeal initially but should actually be your second choice.  Best of all, wear a happy attitude and be the best person on the road.  A patient careful driver is a safe driver and an asset to everyone.

  3. Your first answer was right on in every way. I would like to see you make it to school ok than rather worry about changing once you got there!

      Wear a helmet, (a real one), riding gloves and a good armored riding jacket. Wear shoes or boots that cover your ankles, or the bony part that sticks out. I have street raced, drag raced and road raced bikes for a long, long time and the worst times I was hurt I was going under 30mph. Have fun but ride alert!

  4. ALWAYS wear a helmet. As for the leather jacket go out in the street & rub your hand or face on the asphalt road. Rough isn't it? Now imagine what it would be like if you was riding at 15 mph & you fell. Yeah I know. The skin will heal & grow back in a few months. ha ha You can fall on a scooter as well as a motorcycle & it will still hurt.

  5. What's good to wear on a scooter? I would suggest a paper bag or good quality mask to hide your shame. Hahahaha. Sorry couldn't resist.  The general rule of thumb is any part of your body that you do not want to have a skin graft on after your flesh gets rubbed off on the pavement should be covered.   So that means a helmet, definately, a full face one to protect the lower half of your face in the event of a crash preferably.  You should have a MOTORCYCLE leather jacket, which is different then the fashion leather jackets that you see at the mall.  Fashion leather jackets are made of thin, supple leather that looks cool on you. Genuine motorcycle jackets are made with thicker grade leather, and usually have armor, which is designed to protect you in a crash.  I would also recomend good quality gloves, with kevlar or carbon fiber to protect your hands. I would recomend boots that cover your ankles, and I would recommend leather pants or chaps to protect your legs.  Honestly though, if I saw someone wearing all this gear on a scooter, I would think it looks funny.  But at least get a good motorcycle grade leather jacket.  

  6. How about blue jeans, creepers and a Jam t-shirt?  :-D

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