
What's great at the theatre (London) right now?

by Guest65082  |  earlier

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It's my birthday in just under three weeks, and I need to get organised. I want to go to the theatre but don't know what to see. I was interested in The Woman in White, but it doesn't seem to be showing ATM. I have seen LOADS of shows, but don't mind seeing them again. I have seen We Will Rock You six times, and will probably see it again soon anyway.


Phantom of the Opera



One Flew over the cuckoo's nest

Woman in Black

Mouse Trap

The Sound of Music

and loads of others.

As I said, I don't mind seeing things again, but what would you recommend? I want to have a good birthday with friends!




  1. Oh there's alsorts! I hate trying to pick a show to see when I go to London because there are always so many to pick from. But I'd recommend Wicked if you haven't seen it. You can get some pretty decent tickets sat in the stalls slightly towards the side for around £20 if you're not that sure about it, and believe me, they are fantastic seats. Or how about Hairspray? That's had some very good reviews and is good for a feel-good night out. For comedy you could see Avenue Q. You've already seen Phantom, but the current cast is amazing, so I'd recommend that any time. Also, Les Mis - fantastic!

    If you're more interested in a play rather than a musical, how about some Shakespeare at the Globe? Seeing a Shakespeare play, no matter what, is always an excellent time at the theatre. I was going to recommend Shadowlands too, but that closed a while back I think.

    Happy picking!

  2. Depends if you're looking for a musical or a play.  I've heard good things about Wicked.  

    I'm a bit of a Shakespeare nut and The Globe has this season:

    A Midsummer Nights Dream

    The Merry Wives of Windsor

    King Lear

    Regent's Park Open Air Theatre has:

    A Midsummer Night's Dream

    Twelfth Night

    Romeo and Juliet

    All the shows I'd love to recommend seem to have finished their runs!

  3. les mis

    ave q

    jersey boys are my current faves(well les mis ia an all time fave)

    the woman in white closed a few years afo as it was at the palace where spamalot is nw.

    if you don't mind what you see what about going to the tkts and taking pot luck on the day i usually do that andmostly find something to see.

    marguritte the new musical by the les mis  guys is good but very dark   and verysad not sure if it's the thing for a birthday  treat but still a good show

    hope you find something

  4. Les Mis isn't on your list but thats amazing! And maybe Wicked - i saw it twice in a 4month period lol. Billy Elliot and Spamalot are also good.

  5. i watched sound of music for my birthday, my ex bought tickets on last £25 each for a meal and the tickets. we went to la tascas for the meal which if you dont know is spainish tapas and then when we got to the theatre our seats had been upgraged so we had really good seats and the show was great!!

    hope you have a good bday x

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