
What's happened to American journalism? ?

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The announcement that Russia found an american passport/visa in South Ossetia soon after the Georgia assault is potentially a huge story.

Russia has given out the name on the passport, and that it was issued in Houston.

So - to follow up the story I looked at today's Houston Chron - I believe the biggest paper in Houston.

I thought it would be headlines - but couldn't find it among the 30 or so front /home page stories.

I delved further - to find it right at the bottom - clecked on the story.

An abbreviated version of the national/world story is there - but omits to mention the passport was issued in Houston !!

What sort of journalists do you have in America? Are they trying to avoid this story?




  1. What story? The Russians claim to have found a passport. So What? There are Americans in Georgia. No one ever said there wasn't! We were there training their military.

  2. This only proves America was behind the conflict

    American "journalism" is the most biased on this planet and should not be taken serious, they only report stuff that suits America interest

  3. Kind of like how FoxNews is the only one showing coverage of McCain's pick of Sarah Palin.  CNN is showing some cheerleaders right now, and about to go to a story in New Orleans, not to mention the news anchor was commenting with his opinions in the short coverage of it.  It's like they don't want to show any news if it's about the republicans.  Real fair.  That is why I call CNN (Communist News Network).

  4. You looked at the BIGGEST paper in Houston.

    Lets look at wiki shall we...

    "The Houston Chronicle is the largest daily paper owned and operated by the Hearst Corporation, a multinational corporate media conglomerate with $4 billion in revenues."

    These media conglomerates aren't going to print anything that is going to make Big Brother unhappy. When Big Brother is unhappy it leads to tax audits and other intrusive occurrences for the media agencies that put their nose where they're not supposed to.

    Question: Have you seen "Network"? Definitely a must see.

  5. Can you believe the Russians and if it exists, its probably a forgery.

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