
What's happening and how can i stop it!!

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i love snow in the winter and i live in nc and last year we didnt have snow at all i was just cold and in the summer it is burning and i barley go outside i hate this do you have any idea why this is happening and how i can stop it

i know this is an obvious question but still i want to know if i am right

i do hope you understand.




  1. It is called the heat island effect and is caused by all that black asphalt, black tarpaper roofs and air conditioners. Go down to the park and relax under a tree for a while by a pond or stream and you will feel better.

  2. we normally get a2 foot of snow, last winter we got 6 feet!!  Its called random variations, happens everywhere.  Calm down.

  3. You are doomed to burn to death.

  4. overpopulation of the nasty greediest species on the planet HUMANs

  5. Well I like the warm weather ,I have a heart problem. Weather has an eleven year cycle controlled by the sun. U are not doing anything to cause it.. Learn to adapt as those are the survivers.

  6. I don't know if you mean NYC or North Carolina.

    It is NOT "burning" in NYC.    There were four very, very hot days, from June 7 through June 10.     In the two months since it's been cool.

    Yes, North Carolina has been warm this year - but it's the exception not the rule.   Even the Southeast as a whole has been normal this year.

  7. You are brainwashed...  Stop drinking the kool aid....

  8. There are variations in solar ouput which are effecting the average temperatures of all the planets in our solar system.  We have no control over the sun.

    And I really have no sympathy for your "no snow" rant.  Move somewhere where there are REAL winters and you'll quickly learn to hate snow.

  9. As an AGW proponent, I would love to say this is an affect of global warming but I can't.

    You are describing very localised (nc*) weather conditions over a short period of time (1 year); this is simply not enough to say anything.

    We CAN say that extreme weather and/or disruptions to normal weather patterns are part of the predicted effects of climate change - after all, it is called change.

    So what you are experiencing is part of AGW models but it would be very presumptuous to say that AGW is a 100%, direct cause of these localised conditions you report - there are many other possibilities!

    AGW models and proponents do not claim that they can predict future weather; just the climate and even that in very broad strokes...

    * P.S. "nc" - where is that? My guess is North Carolina as Americans tend to assume everyone lives in, or knows, the USA but it could be New Caledonia or Newcastle or many other places...

  10. Move to northern Michigan.

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