
What's happening at the beginning of Code Geass R2?

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Ok, I have finished watching season 1 of Code Geass and just watched the first episode of season 2.

So what's going on? The first season ended with a cliffhanger, right? With Suzaku and Lelouch shooting at each other? And now its a year later? And what happened to Nunally?

Are they going to explain what happened after the gunshot? It's kind of confusing me right now. So can someone please explain, with as little spoilers as possible?




  1. Don't worry. They explain all you're questions in the later episodes. But basically this is what happened: Suzaku brought Lelouch to The Emperor after they shot at each other. Lelouch's life was re written by The Emperor and so Lelouch doesn't know that he was Zero. Nunally is now with the Emperor so that makes it harder for Zero to do anything drastic when he gets his memories back.

    They do explain the contract with C.C and Lelouch in later episodes but I can't really tell you as it would be a huge spoiler. ;)

    Hope I helped a bit!

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