
What's happening to America?

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In the latest issue of TIME their were articles on how American companies are selling out big time to foreign investors, i mean Anheuser Busch is owned by Brazilians and Europeans and the Chrysler building isn't even fully ours anymore! Also schools may cut down to 4 day weeks? What is going on?!




  1. America IS the New World Order.  It is no longer a nation, per's THE WORLD.

  2. move to china, and apply there for your old job.

  3. Money. It's all about the money. That's what's happening to America.

    If you have the money, you can buy big chunks of "America". You can buy big chunks of Canada too if you want. Just look at the latest loss of a Canadian icon; the "Hudson Bay Co.", just bought out by an American. It is the oldest company in the world and it was all Canadian but now an American with more money owns it.

    The Chrysler building used to be all American didn't it? Well somebody had more money than the Americans did and bought their piece of America.

    It's all about the money.

  4. Foreign investment isn't new.  I remember cycling around the San Jose (CA) area years ago and my guide telling me that some of the subdivisions were built and owned by Saudi sheikhs.

    We have Japanese, German, Scandanavian ownership here.

    The four days a week was started to conserve energy for government buildings and schools.

    There will be more changes, like more people building backyard gardens to grow their own vegetables.  Solar panels will come around in a decade, when the prices drop enough to become affordable.

  5. Republicans are what's happening to America.  

    You're welcome.

  6. lets say that no one really wants to admit it but we have been going down hill since nafta and there isn't hardly anything american made anymore and if there is its sold to the highest bidder like Budweiser . and as far as schools were trying hard to get control of the kids and program them to be good sheep for our future owners we now have guns carried by teachers in a city in texas so the class rooms are safe to teach these kids and program them to be good sheep. now the rich in america are rich by taking everything out of here and putting it in a country where osha and the environmentalist cant touch them so there making tons of money and the workers are good sheep and make a dollar an hour and no benefits its great there making a killing no laws no protection for the workers safety  john blow can lose an arm and its his fault even though he wasn't trained properly  and big bossiness gets off the hook and john can just go die because no one cares its nafta a gutless trade .

  7. Buying and selling of American companies by foreign companies or individuals is nothing new. This has been going on for many years. Not to fret, though, as should we go to war with any of said foreign countries that own land in America, they automatically forfeit ownership of any American soil. It's the law.

    Our public schools decided to cut back on hours to conserve energy. I think it's a good start. I wish that other companies would consider going to 4 days work weeks (when feasible).

    May I suggest reading Forbes magazine instead of Time? Time has a decidedly liberal slant and doesn't report whole truths. Forbes reports the truth so one can read the entire story. It's just a better read. ♥ ∞

  8. Must be hard at work.

    Working on overtime too.

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

  9. An excuse to bring forth the North American Union is what's going on. Corporate Elite's are crushing the economy on purpose and our leaders are going to say it's because we need the NAU to compete with the world. Stop the NAU, it's only for corporate control.

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